
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
module Plutarch.Docs.PMatch (Tree(..), swap, TreeRepr) where
import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.Internal.PlutusType (PlutusType (pcon', pmatch'))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Plutarch.Unsafe (punsafeCoerce)

Generic programming over Plutarch types



A Term or ClosedTerm represents Plutus Lambda Calculus expression in Plutarch world. Allows for additional checks and safety compared to UPLC. See more: Plutarch Terms.

Data and Scott encoding

Datatypes can be encoded using Scott and Data encoding. These concepts are well explained in Plutonomicon: Data encoding and Scott encoding.

anyclass deriving strategy

anyclass derivation strategy uses default implementation of given typeclass to derive an instance of it. Usually depends that given datatype derives Generic typeclass also or some other too.


A really good introduction to generics-sop by the maker of the library, Andres Löh, can be found in this YouTube video recorded at the 2020 ZuriHac

Overall image of generics-sop package.

Introduction by srid.

Why is sum-of-products considered? It's very close to what developers think JSON is.

Generic representation of ADTs as sum of products, which can be automatically derived. Some commonly used types/functions:

I - Identity functor (`newtype I a = I a`)
K - Constant functor (`newtype K a b = K a`)

Z - zero (as in Peano numbers)
S - successor (as in Peano numbers)

NS - n-ary Sum
Picking nth element of sum comes from composing Z and S

NP - n-ary Product
Value level witness for a list of types parametrized by some functor f.

SOP - sum of products
`SOP I` corresponds to haskell's structure of given SOP encoded datatype.
`SOP (Term s)` corresponds to Plutarch structure of given SOP encoded datatype.

`Code a`
The code of a datatype.

This is a list of lists of its components. The outer list contains one element per constructor. The inner list contains one element per constructor argument (field).
data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Tree Tree

is supposed to have the following Representation:

type TreeRepr =
  '[ '[ Int ]
   , '[ Tree, Tree ]
-- Generic representation of given Haskell datatype
type Rep a = SOP I (Code a)

This mechanism allows for generic programming over Haskell types and Plutarch types


As Plutarch is an eDSL in Haskell, it does not allow us to work on Plutus-level variables directly. Manipulating ADTs can be done in terms of pcon and pmatch which belong to a class called PlutusType.

How this class is implemented is not that important but can be looked up in Plutarch/Internal/PlutusType.hs by the interested reader.

These typeclass methods could be written manually, but is a bit tedious and error-prone, thus the generic representation from GHC.Generics is used. Under the hood all necessary transformations are done to be able to access the data on Haskell level.

Also - as parsing data costs computation resources, it is common to pass tagged raw data until it's really needed to parse. PlutusType typeclass serves 2 purposes:

  1. Adds derivation via anyclass for Haskell ADTs
  2. Manipulates given S -> Type on its internal representation (provided as type PInner), rather than parsing/constructing the datatype back and forth.

Examples on how to derive PlutusType to either Data or Scott encoding:

data MyType (a :: S -> Type) (b :: S -> Type) (s :: S)
  = One (Term s a)
  | Two (Term s b)
  deriving stock Generic
  deriving anyclass PlutusType
instance DerivePlutusType (MyType a b) where type DPTStrat _ = PlutusTypeScott

-- If you instead want to use data encoding, you should derive 'PlutusType' and provide data strategy:

data MyTypeD (a :: S -> Type) (b :: S -> Type) (s :: S)
  = OneD (Term s (PDataRecord '[ "_0" ':= a ]))
  | TwoD (Term s (PDataRecord '[ "_0" ':= b ]))
  deriving stock Generic
  deriving anyclass PlutusType
instance DerivePlutusType (MyTypeD a b) where type DPTStrat _ = PlutusTypeData

-- Alternatively, you may derive 'PlutusType' by hand as well. A simple example, encoding a
-- Sum type as an Enum via PInteger:

data AB (s :: S) = A | B

instance PlutusType AB where
  type PInner AB = PInteger

  pcon' A = 0
  pcon' B = 1

  pmatch' x f =
    pif (x #== 0) (f A) (f B)

-- instead of using `pcon'` and `pmatch'` directly,
-- use 'pcon' and 'pmatch', to hide the `PInner` type:

swap :: Term s AB -> Term s AB
swap x = pmatch x $ \case
  A -> pcon B
  B -> pcon A

Maybe manually encoded in both ways:

-- | Scott
data PSMaybe a s = PSJust (Term s a) | PSNothing

-- | Newtype wrapper around function that represents Scott encoding,
-- | Plutarch uses generic one for deriving.
newtype ScottEncodedMaybe a b s = ScottEncodedMaybe (Term s ((a :--> b) :--> PDelayed b :--> b))

instance PlutusType (ScottEncodedMaybe a r) where
  type PInner (ScottEncodedMaybe a r) = (a :--> r) :--> PDelayed r :--> r
  pcon' (ScottEncodedMaybe x) = x
  pmatch' x f = f (ScottEncodedMaybe x)

instance PlutusType (PSMaybe a) where
  -- The resulting type of pattern matching on Maybe is quantified via `PForall`
  type PInner (PSMaybe a) = PForall (ScottEncodedMaybe a)
  pcon' (PSJust x) = pcon $ PForall $ pcon $ ScottEncodedMaybe $ plam $ \f _ -> f # x
  pcon' PSNothing = pcon $ PForall $ pcon $ ScottEncodedMaybe $ plam $ \_ g -> pforce g
  pmatch' x' f =
    pmatch x' $ \(PForall sem) ->
      pmatch sem $ \(ScottEncodedMaybe x) ->
        x # plam (f . PSJust) # pdelay (f PSNothing)

-- | Maybe encoded using Constr
data PMaybeData a (s :: S)
  = PDJust (Term s a)
  | PDNothing

-- | Note - thing hold in PMaybeData must be able to be represented as Data too, not needed in case of Scott version
instance PIsData a => PlutusType (PMaybeData a) where
  type PInner (PMaybeData a) = PData
  pcon' (PDJust x) = pforgetData $ pconstrBuiltin # 0 #$ psingleton # pforgetData (pdata x)
  pcon' PDNothing = pforgetData $ pconstrBuiltin # 1 # pnil
  pmatch' x f = (`runTermCont` f) $ do
    constrPair <- TermCont $ plet (pasConstr # x)
    indexNum <- TermCont $ plet (pfstBuiltin # constrPair)
    TermCont $ \g -> pif (indexNum #== 0)
        (g $ PDJust $ punsafeCoerce $ phead # (psndBuiltin # constrPair))
        (pif (indexNum #== 1)
          (g PDNothing)

Generic derivation of PCon/PMatch

The mechanism of PlutusType derivation relies heavily on generic representation of ADT as sum-of-products. Very high level overview: For pmatch:

  • Scott encoding - for each sum branch, create a corresponding plam handler
  • Data encoding - for each sum branch, apply each element of list in Constr to a handler

For pcon:

  • Scott encoding - encode data type as lambda
  • Data encoding - create a Constr with corresponding number of constructor