A Forwarding Logic-Locked Minting Policy (FLLocked MP) is a Minting Script parametrised with a Script Address (Home Address or HA).
HomeAddress = Hash ValidationScript
FLLockedMintigPolicy = HomeAddress -> MintingPolicy
The unique property of a FLLocked Minting Policy is that it only validates transactions which mint tokens sent to the Home Address. This guarantees that the Handling logic of the tokens is done by the Home Script.
Use case
Usually Come and Go Proof Tokenss make use of such forwarding Logic-Locked Minting Policies.
Unique FLLocked
A Unique Forwarding Logic-Locked Minting Policy (u_FLLocked MP_) is a FLLocked MP further parametrised by the state of a unique Come and Go Proof Tokens which must be present in the minting/spending transaction for both the Home Script and u_FLLocked MP._
State = Active | Consumed
uniqueToken = AssetClass
CnGToken = (state : State) -> AssetClass -> CnGToken state
HomeAddress = Hash ( uniqueToken -> ValidationScript )
uFLLockedMintigPolicy = uniqueToken -> HomeAddress -> MintingPolicy
The logic of Minting Tokens with the u_FLLocked MP_ is now determined by the state of the CnG PToken and so is their subsequent use/unlocking of host UTXo
from the Home Script address.