🔧 work in progress
. - This is largely interpretative of the ledger specs, and has not been confirmed to work on a real node yet - since plutus-ledger-api’s support of Stake Validators is pretty sparse at the moment.
Staking is an integral feature of Cardano that ought to play a part in how we design dApps. However, much of the exposition on Staking and how it works is from the perspective of wallet users and stake pool operators.
How staking actually works, on the level of individual transactions is considerably folklore, buried in the tangled web of hfc-to-hfc specs.
StakeValidators, a concept arising from the composition of two distinct eras - Shelley and Alonzo are particularly neglected, and the documentation of Staking related functionality in plutus is pretty poor. What is DCert even for!?.
Referring to the ledger specs, this document hopes to provide enough explanation for a dApp developer to be sure of the role StakeValidators .
Staking Addresses
To start, let’s consider how Staking Addresses work.
An Address, attached to each UTXO, takes the form:
- network + credential + staking_credential?
Let’s ignore the network part, which is just a magic number identifying the network (testnet, mainnet, etc).
We can see that this corresponds to the Plutus Address
type, in Plutus.V1.Ledger.Address -
data Address =
{ addressCredential :: Credential
, addressStakingCredential :: Maybe StakingCredential
We are familiar with Credential
, which may be a PubKeyHash
or a ValidatorHash
, allowing us to lock UTXOs to a wallet or a script.
Let’s take a closer look at the optional StakingCredential
field, in Plutus.V1.Ledger.Credential -
data StakingCredential
= StakingHash Credential
| StakingPtr Integer Integer Integer
You may notice the StakingHash
constructor also uses Credential
- meaning that a script is a valid staking credential. This is our fabled StakeValidator.
When we look at delegations and withdrawals, let’s try to keep this in mind. In the same sense that we can guard spending of a UTXO behind a PubKeyHash or a ValidatorHash, we can also guard actions involving a StakingCredential.
This gives us a number of ways to construct an Address. The specs helpfully give names to the variants.
Base -
addressStakingCredential = (Just (StakingHash _))
Basically two
glued together
Basically two
Enterprise -
addressStakingCredential = Nothing
- This is the form most dApps will end up using…
Pointer -
addressStakingCredential = (Just (StakingPtr _ _ _))
But what do Staking Addresses actually do/mean!?
From the shelly specs, page 9 (emphasis mine):
The staking credential controls the delegation decision for the Ada at this address (i.e. it is used for rewards, staking, etc.).
Essentially , as we will see later, the StakingCredential on a UTXO determines the rewards account which it is considered to ‘belong to’ on the epoch snapshot. The staking credential itself is used to guard certain actions involving a rewards account.
To recap:
- The Address of a UTXO optionally includes a staking credential
- Staking credentials are regular Credentials, which can be either a PubKeyHash or a ValidatorHash.
DCerts - Delegation Certificates
What is StakingPtr? How does Delegation work? What is DCert!? Let’s take a look.
If a staking credential controls delegation, then how does delegation work?
Let’s take a look at TxInfo, in Plutus.V1.Ledger.Contexts -
data TxInfo = TxInfo
{ txInfoInputs :: [TxInInfo] -- ^ Transaction inputs
, txInfoOutputs :: [TxOut] -- ^ Transaction outputs
, txInfoFee :: Value -- ^ The fee paid by this transaction.
, txInfoMint :: Value -- ^ The 'Value' minted by this transaction.
, txInfoDCert :: [DCert] -- ^ Digests of certificates included in this transaction
, txInfoWdrl :: [(StakingCredential, Integer)] -- ^ Withdrawals
, txInfoValidRange :: POSIXTimeRange -- ^ The valid range for the transaction.
, txInfoSignatories :: [PubKeyHash] -- ^ Signatures provided with the transaction, attested that they all signed the tx
, txInfoData :: [(DatumHash, Datum)]
, txInfoId :: TxId
-- ^ Hash of the pending transaction (excluding witnesses)
} deriving stock (Generic, Haskell.Show, Haskell.Eq)
Notice the txInfoDCert
field. Transactions submitted with DCerts include special operations on the ledger’s delegation state.
Let’s also take a look at DCert, from Plutus.V1.Ledger.DCert (with the irrelevant-to-us constructors omitted) -
data DCert
= DCertDelegRegKey StakingCredential
| DCertDelegDeRegKey StakingCredential
| DCertDelegDelegate
-- ^ delegator
-- ^ delegatee
| ...
So delegation is carried out by transactions containing a DCert with DCertDelegDelegate! But that’s not the whole picture…
The comments here don’t tell us very much… let’s circle back to the shelly spec, page 29 -
Stake credentials are registered (or deregistered) through the use of registration (or deregistration) certificates. Registered stake credentials are delegated through the use of delegation certificates.
So DCert stands for Delegation Certificate. Good to know.
Registration - Obtaining a StakingPtr
Let’s investigate registration. From the shelly spec, page 34 (emphasis mine):
Stake credential delegation is handled by Equation (8). There is a precondition that the key has been registered
In other words, in order to submit a delegation to a Staking Pool with DCertDelegDelegate, the staking credential first has to be registered with DCertDelegRegKey.
Again from the shelly spec, page 34:
Registration causes the following state transformation:
- A reward account is created for this key, with a starting balance of zero.
- The certificate pointer is mapped to the new stake credential.
So registration creates a new rewards account, and a StakingPtr which can be used to refer to it later! To understand a little more clearly, let’s look at the definition of Ptr in the shelly spec, page 10:
(s, t, c)∈Ptr = Slot × Ix × Ix
It’s not so obvious what this means. It refers to the cert at the cth index of a txInfoDCert field of the tth transaction in the block at slot s. Not unlike TxOutRef. This is pretty nifty, as it allows us to refer to staking credentials with 3 (variable length, but decently small) Integers, rather than a 28-bit hash.
Staking Credentials and Rewards Accounts are One-to-One
An important thing to note is a staking credential may only be registered once - giving a 1-to-1 relation between rewards accounts and staking credentials. This is a little unfortunate, as it means splitting delegation between N pools requires N UTXOs, with N staking credentials.
From the shelly specs, page 34 -
There is also a precondition on registration that the hashkey associated with the certificate witness of the certificate is not already found in the current reward accounts (which is the source of truth for which stake credentials are registered).
This wording is a little non-obvious in our context but the preconditions of the DelegReg rule on page 36 help to clarify -
c ∈ DCertregkey hk := regCred c hk /∈ dom reward
So the Credential in DCertDelegRegKey must not already have a reward account.
Reward Withdrawals
Let’s investigate how reward withdrawals work, returning to TxInfo from Plutus.V1.Ledger.Contexts.
data TxInfo = TxInfo
{ ...
, txInfoWdrl :: [(StakingCredential, Integer)] -- ^ Withdrawals
What is the Integer here? …The definition from shelly spec, page 15:
wdrl ∈ Wdrl = Addrrwd 7 → Coin
Coin: in other words a quantity of Lovelace.
So it seems like we can withdraw from a rewards account by making a transaction that sets a value in the txInfoWdrl field. What limits might this have?
From the UTxO Transition rules in the shelly spec, page 21
wbalance ∈ Wdrl → Coin withdrawal balance
wbalance ws = ∑(_→c)∈ws c
consumed ∈ PParams → UTxO → TxBody → Coin value consumed
consumed pp utxotx =
ubalance (txins tx ◁ utxo) + wbalance (txwdrls tx)
+ keyRefunds pp tx
We can see that the total value of withdrawals, sort of like an inverse of fees, can be used to balance the Value equation of a contract. This is pretty flexible, and can even be used to pay transaction fees!
A limitation to note is that a withdrawal must withdraw all of the rewards at once! So the Integer values in txInfoWdrls each have a single value that is valid.
From the shelly spec, page 14
A mapping of reward account withdrawals. The type Wdrl is a finite map that maps a reward address to the coin value to be withdrawn. The coin value must be equal to the full value contained in the account.
Stake Validators
Now that we have some priors on staking credentials, delegation and withdrawals, we are ready to put the pieces together and understand Stake Validators.
We’ve seen txInfoDCert and txInfoWdrls in TxInfo, but what does a Stake Validator look like to Plutus?
In Ledger.Typed.Scripts.StakeValidators, we have -
:: UnsafeFromData r
=> (r -> Validation.ScriptContext -> Bool)
-> WrappedStakeValidatorType
It’s similar to Minting Policies - we get a Redeemer, and the ScriptContext. Infact - the types are the same, so it’s possible we could have a single script which can be used as a Minting Policy and a Stake Validator.
Looking at Plutus.V1.Ledger.Contexts again, this time ScriptPurpose -
data ScriptPurpose
= Minting CurrencySymbol
| Spending TxOutRef
| Rewarding StakingCredential
| Certifying DCert
So there are two relevant constructors for StakeValidators.
Rewarding which gives us the StakingCredential index of the txInfoWdrls field.
Certifying, which similarly gives us the relevant DCert from txInfoDCert.
Combining this with what we have learned about withdrawals and delegation, pattern matching on ScriptPurpose, there are 4 main actions which a stake validator authenticates -
stakeValidator :: Redeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
stakeValidator r (ScriptContext _ purpose) =
case purpose of
(Rewarding ownCredential)
-> -- reward withdrawals
(Certifying (DCertDelegRegKey ownCredential))
-> -- credential registration
(Certifying (DCertDelegDelegate ownCredential poolId)
-> -- staking pool delegation
(Certifying (DCertDeRegKey ownCredential))
-> -- credential de-registration
_ -> -- etc
The rewards withdrawals, registration and delegation cases are always necessary for a Stake Validator to be useful. Withdrawal is obviously required, which necessitates registration and delegation as a pre-requisite.
De-registration is optional, but probably good form to include anyway - it can be used to de-activate existing StakingPtrs.
Use-Cases of Stake Validators
We know what they are, and how they work? But what uses do Stake Validators have? Let’s speculate a little -
DAO Use-Case
An obvious case to consider is a DAO which owns a significant treasury of ADA - it would make sense for such a DAO to stake their ADA to collect staking rewards. Stake Validators allow them to manage delegation and rewards withdrawals on-chain, integrating it with their Treasury’s management.
Stake Validators allow a DAO to define:
The delegation of their ADA, via
Certifying (DCertDelegDelegate ...)
- For example, delegation could be determined by an on-chain witness of the result of a DAO vote.
How staking rewards must be spent, via
Rewarding ...
- Simply withdrawing rewards to the DAO treasury
Other Use-Cases
There’s a lot of potentially use-cases, really any protocol which locks any significant amount of ADA ought to make use of stake validators in some capacity.
- Withdrawing to strengthen an ADA-backed stablecoin
- Compounding an ADA-based yield for a lending protocol
- Withdrawing to provide ADA liquidity of AMM pairs
- Additional yield for LP providers in ADA pairs
- Additional incentive component for any kind of yield, so long as the protocol locks ADA.
Author: Tilde Rose