


coinToValue :: Coin -> Value

Create a Value containing only the given Coin.


flattenMultiAssets :: Value -> Array (CurrencySymbol /\ TokenName /\ BigInt)

Converts a value to a simple list, keeping only the non-Ada assets with non-zero amounts.


flattenValue :: Value -> Array (CurrencySymbol /\ TokenName /\ BigInt)

Converts a value to a simple list, keeping only the non-zero amounts.


geq :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Checks whether one Value is greater than or equal to another.


getLovelace :: Coin -> BigInt

Get the amount of lovelaces in Ada Coin.


getValue :: Value -> Map CurrencySymbol (Map TokenName BigInt)

Gets the underlying Plutus.Types.AssocMap.Map.


gt :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Checks whether one Value is strictly greater than another.


isCoinZero :: Coin -> Boolean

Check whether an 'Ada' value is zero.


isZero :: Value -> Boolean

Checks whether a Value is zero.


leq :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Checks whether one Value is less than or equal to another.


lovelaceValueOf :: BigInt -> Value

A Value with the given amount of Lovelace (the currency unit).


lt :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Checks whether one Value is strictly less than another.



scale :: BigInt -> Value -> Value

Returns a new Value with all amounts multiplied by s.


singleton :: CurrencySymbol -> TokenName -> BigInt -> Value

Makes a Value containing only the given quantity of the given currency.


split :: Value -> Value /\ Value

Splits a value into its positive and non-positive parts. The first element of the tuple contains the non-positive parts of the value, the second element contains the positive parts. The convention is non-positive parts are negated to make them positive in the output.


symbols :: Value -> Array CurrencySymbol

The list of CurrencySymbols of a Value.


unionWith :: (BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt) -> Value -> Value -> Value

Combines Value with a binary function on BigInts.


valueOf :: Value -> CurrencySymbol -> TokenName -> BigInt

Gets the quantity of the given currency in the Value.


valueToCoin :: Value -> Coin

Get the Coin in the given Value.


valueToCoin' :: Value -> BigInt

Get the Coin in the given Value as a BigInt.


pprintValue :: Value -> TagSet

Pretty-print a Plutus domain Value


