

A module providing a type and operations for the native JavaScript Date object.

The JSDate type and associated functions are provided for interop purposes with JavaScript, but for working with dates in PureScript it is recommended that DateTime representation is used instead - DateTime offers greater type safety, a more PureScript-friendly interface, and has a Generic instance.


data JSDate

The type of JavaScript Date objects.



readDate :: Foreign -> F JSDate

Attempts to read a Foreign value as a JSDate.


isValid :: JSDate -> Boolean

Checks whether a date value is valid. When a date is invalid, the majority of the functions return NaN, "Invalid Date", or throw an exception.


fromDateTime :: DateTime -> JSDate

Converts a DateTime value into a native JavaScript date object. The resulting date value is guaranteed to be valid.


toDateTime :: JSDate -> Maybe DateTime

Attempts to construct a DateTime value for a JSDate. Nothing is returned only when the date value is an invalid date.


toDate :: JSDate -> Maybe Date

Attempts to construct a Date value for a JSDate, ignoring any time component of the JSDate. Nothing is returned only when the date value is an invalid date.


fromInstant :: Instant -> JSDate

Creates a JSDate from an Instant value.


toInstant :: JSDate -> Maybe Instant

Attempts to construct an Instant for a JSDate. Nothing is returned only when the date value is an invalid date.


jsdate :: { day :: Number, hour :: Number, millisecond :: Number, minute :: Number, month :: Number, second :: Number, year :: Number } -> JSDate

Constructs a new JSDate from UTC component values. If any of the values are NaN the resulting date will be invalid.


jsdateLocal :: { day :: Number, hour :: Number, millisecond :: Number, minute :: Number, month :: Number, second :: Number, year :: Number } -> Effect JSDate

Constructs a new JSDate from component values using the current machine's locale. If any of the values are NaN the resulting date will be invalid.


now :: Effect JSDate

Gets a JSDate value for the date and time according to the current machine's clock.

Unless a JSDate is required specifically, consider using the functions in Effect.Now instead.


parse :: String -> Effect JSDate

Attempts to parse a date from a string. The behavior of this function is implementation specific until ES5, so may not always have the same behavior for a given string. For this reason, it is strongly encouraged that you avoid this function if at all possible.

If you must use it, the RFC2822 and ISO8601 date string formats should parse consistently.

This function is effectful because if no time zone is specified in the string the current locale's time zone will be used instead.


getTime :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the date as a number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.


getUTCDate :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the day of the month for a date, according to UTC.


getUTCDay :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the day of the week for a date, according to UTC.


getUTCFullYear :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the year for a date, according to UTC.


getUTCHours :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the hours for a date, according to UTC.


getUTCMilliseconds :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the milliseconds for a date, according to UTC.


getUTCMinutes :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the minutes for a date, according to UTC.


getUTCMonth :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the month for a date, according to UTC.


getUTCSeconds :: JSDate -> Number

Returns the seconds for a date, according to UTC.


getDate :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the day of the month for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getDay :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the day of the week for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getFullYear :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the year for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getHours :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the hour for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getMilliseconds :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the milliseconds for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getMinutes :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the minutes for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getMonth :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the month for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getSeconds :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the seconds for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


getTimezoneOffset :: JSDate -> Effect Number

Returns the time-zone offset for a date, according to the current machine's date/time locale.


toDateString :: JSDate -> String

Returns the date portion of a date value as a human-readable string.


toISOString :: JSDate -> Effect String

Converts a date value to an ISO 8601 Extended format date string.


toString :: JSDate -> String

Returns a string representing for a date value.


toTimeString :: JSDate -> String

Returns the time portion of a date value as a human-readable string.


toUTCString :: JSDate -> String

Returns the date as a string using the UTC timezone.


fromTime :: Number -> JSDate

Returns the date at a number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
