


data DatumPresence

DatumPresence describes how datum should be stored in the transaction when paying to a script.


  • DatumInline

    DatumInline asserts the datum should be stored in the TransactionOutput as an inline datum.

  • DatumWitness

    DatumWitness asserts the datum's hash be stored in the TransactionOutput, and the datum added to the transactions witnesses.



data InputWithScriptRef

InputWithScriptRef specifies whether the underlying utxo with the reference script should be included in the transaction as a reference input.




data TxConstraint

Constraints on transactions that want to spend script outputs




type TxConstraints = Array TxConstraint

Restrictions placed on the allocation of funds to outputs of transactions.


mustBeSignedBy :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PaymentPubKeyHash -> TxConstraints

Require the transaction to be signed by the public key.


mustIncludeDatum :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PlutusData -> TxConstraints

Require the transaction to include a datum.


mustMintCurrency :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => ScriptHash -> AssetName -> Int -> TxConstraints

Create the given amount of the currency. The amount to mint must not be zero.


mustMintCurrencyUsingScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => ScriptHash -> AssetName -> Int -> InputWithScriptRef -> TxConstraints

Create the given amount of the currency using a reference minting policy. The amount to mint must not be zero.


mustMintCurrencyWithRedeemer :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => ScriptHash -> RedeemerDatum -> AssetName -> Int -> TxConstraints

Create the given amount of the currency. The amount to mint must not be zero.


mustMintCurrencyWithRedeemerUsingScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => ScriptHash -> RedeemerDatum -> AssetName -> Int -> InputWithScriptRef -> TxConstraints

Create the given amount of the currency using a reference minting policy. The amount to mint must not be zero.


mustMintValue :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => Mint -> TxConstraints

Mint the given Value The amount to mint must not be zero.


mustMintValueWithRedeemer :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => RedeemerDatum -> Mint -> TxConstraints

Mint the given Value by accessing non-Ada assets. The amount to mint must not be zero.


mustNotBeValid :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => TxConstraints

Marks the transaction as invalid, requiring at least one script execution to fail. Despite failure, the transaction can still be submitted into the chain and collateral will be lost.


mustPayToPubKey :: Warn (Text "Some wallets may not recognize addresses without a staking key component. Consider using mustPayToPubKeyAddress") => Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PaymentPubKeyHash -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value with a public key. (Enterprise Address)


mustPayToPubKeyAddress :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PaymentPubKeyHash -> StakePubKeyHash -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value with a public key address. (Base Address)



mustPayToPubKeyAddressWithDatumAndScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PaymentPubKeyHash -> StakePubKeyHash -> PlutusData -> DatumPresence -> ScriptRef -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value, datum and reference script with a public key address.


mustPayToPubKeyAddressWithScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PaymentPubKeyHash -> StakePubKeyHash -> ScriptRef -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value and reference script with a public key address.


mustPayToPubKeyWithDatum :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PaymentPubKeyHash -> PlutusData -> DatumPresence -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value and datum with a payment public key hash.


mustPayToPubKeyWithDatumAndScriptRef :: PaymentPubKeyHash -> PlutusData -> DatumPresence -> ScriptRef -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value, datum and reference script with a payment public key hash.


mustPayToPubKeyWithScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => PaymentPubKeyHash -> ScriptRef -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value and reference script with a payment public key hash.


mustPayToScript :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => ScriptHash -> PlutusData -> DatumPresence -> Value -> TxConstraints

Note that CTL does not have explicit equivalents of Plutus' mustPayToTheScript or mustPayToOtherScript, as we have no notion of a "current" script. Thus, we have the single constraint mustPayToScript, and all scripts must be explicitly provided to build the transaction.


mustPayToScriptAddressWithScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => ScriptHash -> Credential -> PlutusData -> DatumPresence -> ScriptRef -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value, datum and reference script with a script. Note that the provided reference script does not necessarily need to control the spending of the output, i.e. both scripts can be different.


mustPayToScriptWithScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => ScriptHash -> PlutusData -> DatumPresence -> ScriptRef -> Value -> TxConstraints

Lock the value, datum and reference script with a script. Note that the provided reference script does not necessarily need to control the spending of the output, i.e. both scripts can be different.


mustProduceAtLeast :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => Value -> TxConstraints

Requirement to produce outputs with at least the given value


mustReferenceOutput :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => TransactionInput -> TxConstraints

Require the transaction to reference (not spend!) the given unspent transaction output.


mustSatisfyAnyOf :: forall (f :: Type -> Type). Foldable f => Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => f (TxConstraints) -> TxConstraints

Attempts to solve, in order, a sequence of constraints until the first successful try. mustSatisfyaAnyOf is just a way to define a chain of try-catch expressions in a declarative manner. It does not do any analysis of the constraints' semantics.


mustSpendAtLeast :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => Value -> TxConstraints

Requirement to spend inputs with at least the given value


mustSpendPubKeyOutput :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => TransactionInput -> TxConstraints

Spend the given unspent transaction public key output.


mustSpendScriptOutput :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => TransactionInput -> RedeemerDatum -> TxConstraints

Spend the given unspent transaction script output.


mustSpendScriptOutputUsingScriptRef :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => TransactionInput -> RedeemerDatum -> InputWithScriptRef -> TxConstraints

Spend the given unspent transaction script output, using a reference script to satisfy the script witnessing requirement.


mustValidateIn :: Warn TxConstraintsDeprecated => POSIXTimeRange -> TxConstraints

mustValidateIn r requires the transaction's time range to be contained in r.
