


newtype EventSource b




after :: forall a. Aff a -> (a -> Aff Unit) -> Aff a

Just as a bracket but without the body.


annotateError :: forall (a :: Type) m. MonadError Error m => String -> m a -> m a


cleanupOnExit :: Ref (Array (Aff Unit)) -> Aff { fiber :: Fiber Unit }



makeEventSource :: forall a b c. ({ handle :: Either Error a -> Effect Unit } -> Effect { outcome :: c, unsubscribe :: Effect Unit }) -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Effect { eventSource :: EventSource b, outcome :: c }


onLine :: forall a b. Readable a -> (String -> Maybe b) -> Effect (EventSource b)



scheduleCleanup :: forall a. TestnetCleanupRef -> Aff a -> (a -> Aff Unit) -> Aff a



tmpdirUnique :: forall m. MonadEffect m => String -> m FilePath


tryAndLogErrors :: forall a m. MonadEffect m => MonadError Error m => Maybe Logger -> String -> m a -> m (Either Error a)


waitFor :: forall a e. EventSource e -> (e -> Maybe a) -> Aff a


waitForClose :: ManagedProcess -> Aff Unit

Waits until processe's stdout closes.


waitForError :: ManagedProcess -> Aff Error

Waits until processe's stdout closes.


waitForEvent :: forall a. EventSource a -> Aff a

Waits for any event. Note, if the event source throws an async error, any joining process dies.


waitUntil :: forall a d. Duration d => d -> Aff (Maybe a) -> Aff a


whenError :: forall (a :: Type). Aff Unit -> Aff a -> Aff a
