


newtype AbsTime

Absolute time relative to System Start, not UNIX epoch. Treat as Milliseconds




type Closure = Boolean

Whether a bound is inclusive or not.


data Extended a

A set extended with a positive and negative infinity.




data Interval a

An abstraction for Interval, it restricts the creation of intervals to the only ones that we can use in practice: [a,b+1) , [-infinity,b+1), [a,infinity], [-infinity,infinity], empty.




data LowerBound a

The lower bound of an interval.




newtype ModTime

Any leftover time from using mod when dividing my slot length. Treat as Milliseconds




newtype OnchainPOSIXTimeRange

A newtype wrapper over POSIXTimeRange to represent the on-chain version of an off-chain POSIXTimeRange. In particular, there are a few steps in conversion:

  1. POSIXTimeRange -> SlotRange
  2. SlotRange -> TransactionValidity
  3. TransactionValidity -> OnchainPOSIXTimeRange OnchainPOSIXTimeRange is intended to equal the validity range found in the on-chain ScriptContext




type POSIXTimeRange = Interval POSIXTime

An Interval of POSIXTimes.


newtype RelSlot

Relative slot of an Slot within an EraSummary




newtype RelTime

Relative time to the start of an EraSummary. Contract this to Ogmios.QueryM.RelativeTime which is usually relative to system start. Treat as Milliseconds





data UpperBound a

The upper bound of an interval.




after :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => a -> Interval a -> Boolean

Check if a value is later than the end of a Interval.


always :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Interval a

An Interval that covers every slot, represented as [-infinity,infinity]


before :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => a -> Interval a -> Boolean

Check if a value is earlier than the beginning of an Interval.


contains :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Boolean

a contains b is true if the Interval b is entirely contained in a. That is, acontainsbif for every entrys, ifmember s bthenmember s a`.


findSlotEraSummary :: EraSummaries -> Slot -> Either SlotToPosixTimeError EraSummary

Finds the EraSummary an Slot lies inside (if any).


findTimeEraSummary :: EraSummaries -> AbsTime -> Either PosixTimeToSlotError EraSummary

Finds the EraSummary an AbsTime lies inside (if any).


from :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => a -> Interval a

from a is an Interval that includes all values that are greater than or equal to a, represented as [a,infinity].


getSlotLength :: EraSummary -> Number

Get SlotLength in Milliseconds


hull :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Interval a

hull a b is the smallest interval containing a and b between our limited universe of intervals.


intersection :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Interval a

intersection a b is the largest interval that is contained in a and in b, if it exists.


isEmpty :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Interval a -> Boolean

Check if an Interval is empty.


isEmpty' :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Warn (Text "Deprecated, use `isEmpty` instead") => Interval a -> Boolean


lowerBound :: forall (a :: Type). a -> LowerBound a


maxSlot :: Slot

Maximum slot (u64)


mkFiniteInterval :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => a -> a -> Interval a

mkFiniteInterval a b construct the interval [a,b+1)


member :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => a -> Interval a -> Boolean

Check whether a value is in an interval.


never :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Interval a

An Interval that is empty, represented as [infinity,-infinity]


overlaps :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Boolean

Check whether two intervals overlap, that is, whether there is a value that is a member of both intervals.


overlaps' :: forall (a :: Type). Warn (Text "Deprecated, use `overlaps` instead") => Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Boolean

Check whether two intervals overlap, that is, whether there is a value that is a member of both intervals.


posixTimeRangeToSlotRange :: EraSummaries -> SystemStart -> POSIXTimeRange -> Either PosixTimeToSlotError SlotRange

Converts a POSIXTimeRange to SlotRange given an EraSummaries and SystemStart queried from Ogmios.


posixTimeRangeToTransactionValidity :: EraSummaries -> SystemStart -> POSIXTimeRange -> Either PosixTimeToSlotError TransactionValiditySlot

Converts a POSIXTimeRange to a transaction validity interval via a SlotRange to be used when building a CSL transaction body


posixTimeToSlot :: EraSummaries -> SystemStart -> POSIXTime -> Either PosixTimeToSlotError Slot

Converts a POSIXTime to Slot given an EraSummaries and SystemStart queried from Ogmios.



singleton :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Semiring a => a -> Interval a

singleton a is an Interval that contains just a, represented as [a,a+1).


slotRangeToPosixTimeRange :: EraSummaries -> SystemStart -> SlotRange -> Either SlotToPosixTimeError POSIXTimeRange

Converts a SlotRange to POSIXTimeRange given an EraSummaries and SystemStart queried from Ogmios.


slotToPosixTime :: EraSummaries -> SystemStart -> Slot -> Either SlotToPosixTimeError POSIXTime

Converts a CSL (Absolute) Slot (Unsigned Integer) to POSIXTime which is time elapsed from January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT). We obtain this By converting Slot to AbsTime which is time relative to some System Start, then add any excess for a UNIX Epoch time. Recall that POSIXTime is in milliseconds for Protocol Version >= 6.


strictLowerBound :: forall (a :: Type). a -> LowerBound a


strictUpperBound :: forall (a :: Type). a -> UpperBound a


to :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => a -> Interval a

to a is an Interval that includes all values that are smaller than or equal to a, represented as [-infinity,a+1).


toOnchainPosixTimeRange :: EraSummaries -> SystemStart -> POSIXTimeRange -> Either ToOnChainPosixTimeRangeError OnchainPOSIXTimeRange

Create an OnchainPOSIXTimeRange to do a round trip from an off-chain POSIXTimeRange as follows:

  1. POSIXTimeRange -> SlotRange
  2. SlotRange -> TransactionValidity
  3. TransactionValidity -> OnchainPOSIXTimeRange OnchainPOSIXTimeRange is intended to equal the validity range found in the on-chain ScriptContext


upperBound :: forall (a :: Type). a -> UpperBound a


genFiniteInterval :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (Interval a)

those accept a generator since we want to use them for Positive Integers in tests


genLowerRay :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (Interval a)


genUpperRay :: forall (a :: Type). Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (Interval a)
