


data VariantF :: Row (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typedata VariantF f a



inj :: forall sym f a r1 r2. Cons sym f r1 r2 => IsSymbol sym => Functor f => Proxy sym -> f a -> VariantF r2 a

Inject into the variant at a given label.

maybeAtFoo :: forall r. VariantF (foo :: Maybe | r) Int
maybeAtFoo = inj (Proxy :: Proxy "foo") (Just 42)


prj :: forall sym f a r1 r2 g. Cons sym f r1 r2 => Alternative g => IsSymbol sym => Proxy sym -> VariantF r2 a -> g (f a)

Attempt to read a variant at a given label.

case prj (Proxy :: Proxy "foo") maybeAtFoo of
  Just (Just i) -> i + 1
  _ -> 0


on :: forall sym f a b r1 r2. Cons sym f r1 r2 => IsSymbol sym => Proxy sym -> (f a -> b) -> (VariantF r1 a -> b) -> VariantF r2 a -> b

Attempt to read a variant at a given label by providing branches. The failure branch receives the provided variant, but with the label removed.


onMatch :: forall rl r r1 r2 r3 a b. RowToList r rl => VariantFMatchCases rl r1 a b => Union r1 r2 r3 => Record r -> (VariantF r2 a -> b) -> VariantF r3 a -> b

Match a VariantF with a Record containing functions for handling cases. This is similar to on, except instead of providing a single label and handler, you can provide a record where each field maps to a particular VariantF case.

 { foo: \foo -> "Foo: " <> maybe "nothing" id foo
 , bar: \bar -> "Bar: " <> snd bar

Polymorphic functions in records (such as show or id) can lead to inference issues if not all polymorphic variables are specified in usage. When in doubt, label methods with specific types, such as show :: Int -> String, or give the whole record an appropriate type.


over :: forall r rl rlo ri ro r1 r2 r3 a b. RowToList r rl => VariantFMapCases rl ri ro a b => RowToList ro rlo => VariantTags rlo => VariantFMaps rlo => Union ri r2 r1 => Union ro r2 r3 => Record r -> (a -> b) -> VariantF r1 a -> VariantF r3 b

Map over some labels (with access to the containers) and use map f for the rest (just changing the index type). For example:

over { label: \(Identity a) -> Just (show (a - 5)) } show
  :: forall r.
    VariantF ( label :: Identity | r ) Int ->
    VariantF ( label :: Maybe | r ) String

over r f is like (map f >>> expand) # overSome r but with a more easily solved constraint (i.e. it can be solved once the type of r is known).


overOne :: forall sym f g a b r1 r2 r3 r4. Cons sym f r1 r2 => Cons sym g r4 r3 => IsSymbol sym => Functor g => Proxy sym -> (f a -> g b) -> (VariantF r1 a -> VariantF r3 b) -> VariantF r2 a -> VariantF r3 b

Map over one case of a variant, putting the result back at the same label, with a fallback function to handle the remaining cases.


overSome :: forall r rl rlo ri ro r1 r2 r3 r4 a b. RowToList r rl => VariantFMapCases rl ri ro a b => RowToList ro rlo => VariantTags rlo => VariantFMaps rlo => Union ri r2 r1 => Union ro r4 r3 => Record r -> (VariantF r2 a -> VariantF r3 b) -> VariantF r1 a -> VariantF r3 b

Map over several cases of a variant using a Record containing functions for each case. Each case gets put back at the same label it was matched at, i.e. its label in the record. Labels not found in the record are handled using the fallback function.


case_ :: forall a b. VariantF () a -> b

Combinator for exhaustive pattern matching.

caseFn :: VariantF (foo :: Maybe, bar :: Tuple String, baz :: Either String) Int -> String
caseFn = case_
 # on (Proxy :: Proxy "foo") (\foo -> "Foo: " <> maybe "nothing" show foo)
 # on (Proxy :: Proxy "bar") (\bar -> "Bar: " <> show (snd bar))
 # on (Proxy :: Proxy "baz") (\baz -> "Baz: " <> either id show baz)


match :: forall rl r r1 r2 a b. RowToList r rl => VariantFMatchCases rl r1 a b => Union r1 () r2 => Record r -> VariantF r2 a -> b

Combinator for exhaustive pattern matching using an onMatch case record.

matchFn :: VariantF (foo :: Maybe, bar :: Tuple String, baz :: Either String) Int -> String
matchFn = match
 { foo: \foo -> "Foo: " <> maybe "nothing" show foo
 , bar: \bar -> "Bar: " <> show (snd bar)
 , baz: \baz -> "Baz: " <> either id show baz


default :: forall a b r. a -> VariantF r b -> a

Combinator for partial matching with a default value in case of failure.

caseFn :: forall r. VariantF (foo :: Maybe, bar :: Tuple String | r) Int -> String
caseFn = default "No match"
 # on (Proxy :: Proxy "foo") (\foo -> "Foo: " <> maybe "nothing" show foo)
 # on (Proxy :: Proxy "bar") (\bar -> "Bar: " <> show (snd bar))


traverse :: forall r rl rlo ri ro r1 r2 r3 a b m. RowToList r rl => VariantFTraverseCases m rl ri ro a b => RowToList ro rlo => VariantTags rlo => VariantFMaps rlo => Union ri r2 r1 => Union ro r2 r3 => Applicative m => Traversable (VariantF r2) => Record r -> (a -> m b) -> VariantF r1 a -> m (VariantF r3 b)

Traverse over some labels (with access to the containers) and use traverse f for the rest (just changing the index type).

traverse r f is like (traverse f >>> expand) # traverseSome r but with a more easily solved constraint (i.e. it can be solved once the type of r is known).


traverseOne :: forall sym f g a b r1 r2 r3 r4 m. Cons sym f r1 r2 => Cons sym g r4 r3 => IsSymbol sym => Functor g => Functor m => Proxy sym -> (f a -> m (g b)) -> (VariantF r1 a -> m (VariantF r3 b)) -> VariantF r2 a -> m (VariantF r3 b)

Traverse over one case of a variant (in a functorial/monadic context m), putting the result back at the same label, with a fallback function.


traverseSome :: forall r rl rlo ri ro r1 r2 r3 r4 a b m. RowToList r rl => VariantFTraverseCases m rl ri ro a b => RowToList ro rlo => VariantTags rlo => VariantFMaps rlo => Union ri r2 r1 => Union ro r4 r3 => Functor m => Record r -> (VariantF r2 a -> m (VariantF r3 b)) -> VariantF r1 a -> m (VariantF r3 b)

Traverse over several cases of a variant using a Record containing traversals. Each case gets put back at the same label it was matched at, i.e. its label in the record. Labels not found in the record are handled using the fallback function.


expand :: forall lt mix gt a. Union lt mix gt => VariantF lt a -> VariantF gt a

Every VariantF lt a can be cast to some VariantF gt a as long as lt is a subset of gt.


contract :: forall lt gt f a. Alternative f => Contractable gt lt => VariantF gt a -> f (VariantF lt a)

A VariantF gt a can be cast to some VariantF lt a, where lt is is a subset of gt, as long as there is proof that the VariantF's runtime tag is within the subset of lt.


newtype UnvariantF :: Row (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typenewtype UnvariantF r a



type UnvariantF' :: Row (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Typetype UnvariantF' r a x = forall s f o. IsSymbol s => Cons s f o r => Functor f => Proxy s -> f a -> x


unvariantF :: forall r a. VariantF r a -> UnvariantF r a

A low-level eliminator which reifies the IsSymbol, Cons and Functor constraints require to reconstruct the Variant. This lets you work generically with some VariantF at runtime.


revariantF :: forall r a. UnvariantF r a -> VariantF r a

Reconstructs a VariantF given an UnvariantF eliminator.


class VariantFShows :: RowList (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Constraintclass VariantFShows rl x  where




class VariantFMaps :: RowList (Type -> Type) -> Constraintclass VariantFMaps (rl :: RowList (Type -> Type))  where




newtype Mapper :: (Type -> Type) -> Typenewtype Mapper f


class TraversableVFRL :: RowList (Type -> Type) -> Row (Type -> Type) -> Constraintclass (FoldableVFRL rl row) <= TraversableVFRL rl row | rl -> row where




class FoldableVFRL :: RowList (Type -> Type) -> Row (Type -> Type) -> Constraintclass FoldableVFRL rl row | rl -> row where



Re-exports from Data.Variant.Internal


class Contractable :: forall k. Row k -> Row k -> Constraintclass Contractable gt lt 



class VariantFMapCases :: RowList Type -> Row (Type -> Type) -> Row (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Constraintclass VariantFMapCases (rl :: RowList Type) (ri :: Row (Type -> Type)) (ro :: Row (Type -> Type)) (a :: Type) (b :: Type) | rl -> ri ro



class VariantFMatchCases :: RowList Type -> Row (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Constraintclass VariantFMatchCases rl vo a b | rl -> vo a b

