

Basic String parsers derived from primitive String parsers.

unicode dependency

Some of the parsers in this module depend on the unicode package. The unicode package is large; about half a megabyte unminified. If code which depends on parsing is “tree-shaken” “dead-code-eliminated,” then all of the unicode package will be eliminated.

The unicode-dependent parsers in this module will call functions which use large lookup tables from the unicode package. Using any of these unicode-dependent parsers may result in a minified, dead-code-eliminated bundle size increase of over 100 kilobytes.


digit :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse a digit. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isDecDigit.


hexDigit :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse a hex digit. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isHexDigit.


octDigit :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse an octal digit. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isOctDigit.


letter :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse an alphabetical character. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isAlpha.


space :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse a space character. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isSpace.


lower :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse a lowercase letter. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isLower.


upper :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse an uppercase letter. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isUpper.


alphaNum :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Parse an alphabetical or numerical character. Matches any char that satisfies Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isAlphaNum.


intDecimal :: forall m. ParserT String m Int

Parser based on the Data.Int.fromString function.

This should be the inverse of show :: Int -> String.

Examples of strings which can be parsed by this parser:

  • "3"
  • "-3"
  • "+300"


number :: forall m. ParserT String m Number

Parser based on the Data.Number.fromString function.

This should be the inverse of show :: Number -> String.

Examples of strings which can be parsed by this parser:

  • "3"
  • "3.0"
  • ".3"
  • "-0.3"
  • "+0.3"
  • "-3e-1"
  • "-3.0E-1.0"
  • "NaN"
  • "-Infinity"


takeWhile :: forall m. (CodePoint -> Boolean) -> ParserT String m String

Take the longest String for which the characters satisfy the predicate.

See Data.CodePoint.Unicode for useful predicates.


runParser "Tackling the Awkward Squad" do
  takeWhile Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isLetter

Right "Tackling"

You should prefer takeWhile isLetter to fromCharArray <$> Data.Array.many letter.


takeWhile1 :: forall m. (CodePoint -> Boolean) -> ParserT String m String

Take the longest String for which the characters satisfy the predicate. Require at least 1 character. You should supply an expectation description for the error message for when the predicate fails on the first character.

See Data.CodePoint.Unicode for useful predicates.


runParser "Tackling the Awkward Squad" do
  takeWhile1 Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isLetter <?> "a letter"

Right "Tackling"


whiteSpace :: forall m. ParserT String m String

Match zero or more whitespace characters satisfying Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isSpace.

Always succeeds. Will consume only when matched whitespace string is non-empty.


skipSpaces :: forall m. ParserT String m Unit

Skip whitespace characters satisfying Data.CodePoint.Unicode.isSpace and throw them away.

Always succeeds. Will only consume when some characters are skipped.


oneOf :: forall m. Array Char -> ParserT String m Char

Match one of the BMP Chars in the array.


oneOfCodePoints :: forall m. Array CodePoint -> ParserT String m CodePoint

Match one of the Unicode characters in the array.


noneOf :: forall m. Array Char -> ParserT String m Char

Match any BMP Char not in the array.


noneOfCodePoints :: forall m. Array CodePoint -> ParserT String m CodePoint

Match any Unicode character not in the array.
