

Uses json-bigint library to parse JSON. Stores integers as BigInts and numbers with decimals as Number API and behaviour is intended to be close to Aeson.


Operator alias for Aeson.getField (non-associative / precedence 7)


Operator alias for Aeson.getFieldOptional' (non-associative / precedence 7)


Operator alias for Aeson.getFieldOptional (non-associative / precedence 7)


data Aeson

A piece of JSON where all numbers are represented as BigInt



type AesonCases a = { caseArray :: Array Aeson -> a, caseBigInt :: BigInt -> a, caseBoolean :: Boolean -> a, caseFiniteNumber :: Finite Number -> a, caseNull :: Unit -> a, caseObject :: Object Aeson -> a, caseString :: String -> a }

Utility abbrevation. See caseAeson for an example usage.


newtype Finite a

Finite Number is just like Number but can not be an Infinity or NaN. Underlying JSON parser ensures parsed numbers are not NaN or Infinity. You can construct Finite Number using finiteNumber smart constructor.



unFinite :: forall a. Finite a -> a


class GEncodeAeson :: Row Type -> RowList Type -> Constraintclass GEncodeAeson (row :: Row Type) (list :: RowList Type)  where




class GDecodeAeson :: Row Type -> RowList Type -> Constraintclass GDecodeAeson (row :: Row Type) (list :: RowList Type) | list -> row where




caseAeson :: forall a. AesonCases a -> Aeson -> a


caseAesonArray :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (Array Aeson -> a) -> Aeson -> a


caseAesonBoolean :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (Boolean -> a) -> Aeson -> a


caseAesonBigInt :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (BigInt -> a) -> Aeson -> a

caseAesonBigInt specialized to BigInt (fails if no parse)


caseAesonFiniteNumber :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (Finite Number -> a) -> Aeson -> a

caseAesonFiniteNumber specialized to Finite Number (fails if no parse)


caseAesonInt :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (Int -> a) -> Aeson -> a

caseAesonBigInt specialized to Int (fails if no parse)


caseAesonNull :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (Unit -> a) -> Aeson -> a


caseAesonNumber :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (Number -> a) -> Aeson -> a

caseAesonNumber specialized to Number (fails if no parse)


caseAesonObject :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (Object Aeson -> a) -> Aeson -> a


caseAesonString :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (String -> a) -> Aeson -> a


caseAesonUInt :: forall (a :: Type). a -> (UInt -> a) -> Aeson -> a

caseAesonBigInt specialized to UInt (fails if no parse)


constAesonCases :: forall (a :: Type). a -> AesonCases a


decodeJsonString :: forall (a :: Type). DecodeAeson a => String -> Either JsonDecodeError a

Decodes a value encoded as JSON via Aeson decoding algorithm.



getFieldOptional :: forall (a :: Type). DecodeAeson a => Object Aeson -> String -> Either JsonDecodeError (Maybe a)

Attempt to get the value for a given key on an Object Aeson.

The result will be Right Nothing if the key and value are not present, but will fail if the key is present but the value cannot be converted to the right type.

This function will treat null as a value and attempt to decode it into your desired type. If you would like to treat null values the same as absent values, use getFieldOptional' (.:?) instead.


getFieldOptional' :: forall (a :: Type). DecodeAeson a => Object Aeson -> String -> Either JsonDecodeError (Maybe a)

Attempt to get the value for a given key on an Object Aeson.

The result will be Right Nothing if the key and value are not present, or if the key is present and the value is null.

Use this accessor if the key and value are optional in your object. If the key and value are mandatory, use getField (.:) instead.


getNestedAeson :: Aeson -> Array String -> Either JsonDecodeError Aeson

Returns an Aeson available under a sequence of keys in given Aeson. If not possible returns JsonDecodeError.


jsonToAeson :: Json -> Aeson

Recodes Argonaut Json to Aeson.



isArray :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is an Array


isBigInt :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is a BigInt


isBoolean :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is a Boolean


isInt :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is a Int


isNull :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is the null value


isNumber :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is a Number


isObject :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is an Object


isString :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is a String


isUInt :: Aeson -> Boolean

Check if the provided Aeson is a UInt


toArray :: Aeson -> Maybe (Array Aeson)

Convert Aeson to an Array of Aeson values, if the Aeson is an array.


toBigInt :: Aeson -> Maybe BigInt

Convert Aeson to a BigInt value, if the Aeson can be treated as BigInt.


toBoolean :: Aeson -> Maybe Boolean

Convert Aeson to a Boolean value, if the Aeson is a boolean.


toInt :: Aeson -> Maybe Int

Convert Aeson to a Int value, if the Aeson can be treated as Int.


toNull :: Aeson -> Maybe Unit

Convert Aeson to the Unit value if the Aeson is the null value


toNumber :: Aeson -> Maybe Number

Convert Aeson to a Number value, if the Aeson can be treated as Number.


toObject :: Aeson -> Maybe (Object Aeson)

Convert Aeson to an Object of Aeson values, if the Aeson is an object.


toString :: Aeson -> Maybe String

Convert Aeson to a String value, if the Aeson is a string. To write a Aeson value to a JSON string, see stringify.


toUInt :: Aeson -> Maybe UInt

Convert Aeson to a UInt value, if the Aeson can be treated as UInt.


finiteNumber :: Number -> Maybe (Finite Number)

Returns Nothing if input is Infinity or NaN





fromBoolean :: Boolean -> Aeson

Construct the Json representation of a * value. Note that this function only produces Json containing a single piece of *





fromString :: String -> Aeson

This function does NOT convert the String encoding of a JSON value to Json



toStringifiedNumbersJson :: Aeson -> Json

Replaces numbers the Aeson's payload with stringified numbers Given original payload of: {"a": 10} The result will be an Json object representing: {"a": "10"}


class EncodeTupleAux a  where




Re-exports from Data.Argonaut


printJsonDecodeError :: JsonDecodeError -> String

Prints a JsonDecodeError as a readable error message.
