


fromAff :: forall a. Aff a -> Effect (Promise a)

Convert an Aff into a Promise.


toAff :: forall a. Promise a -> Aff a

Convert a Promise into an Aff. When the promise rejects, we attempt to coerce the error value into an actual JavaScript Error object. We can do this with Error objects or Strings. Anything else gets a "dummy" Error object.


toAff' :: forall a. (Foreign -> Error) -> Promise a -> Aff a

Convert a Promise into an Aff with custom Error coercion. When the promise rejects, we attempt to coerce the error value into an actual JavaScript Error object using the provided function.


toAffE :: forall a. Effect (Promise a) -> Aff a

Utility to convert an Effect returning a Promise into an Aff (i.e. the inverse of fromAff)


data Promise t0

Type of JavaScript Promises (with particular return type) Effects are not traced in the Promise type, as they form part of the Effect that results in the promise.
