

A partial CBOR decoder, based on RFC 8949


newtype Cbor

A CBOR data item is encoded as a byte string




type RawCborType = UInt

The initial byte of the head of the data item


data CborType

A structured representation of the head of the data item



runParser :: forall (a :: Type). Parser a -> Cbor -> Either CborParseError a


cborType :: Parser CborType

Decodes the head of the data item into CborType


takeN :: UInt -> Parser (Array UInt)

Same as takeN', except returns Array UInt


takeN' :: UInt -> Parser ByteArray

Consume and return n bytes from the input, throwing an exception if there is not enough


toByteArray :: Cbor -> Either CborParseError ByteArray

Extract a ByteArray if the Cbor was a byte string


fromBytes :: Array UInt -> UInt

Convert an array of bytes in network order into an unsigned integer
