


Operator alias for Ctl.Internal.Helpers.appendLastMaybe (right-associative / precedence 5)


Operator alias for Ctl.Internal.Helpers.maybeArrayMerge (right-associative / precedence 5)


Operator alias for Ctl.Internal.Helpers.appendFirstMaybe (right-associative / precedence 5)


Operator alias for Ctl.Internal.Helpers.concatPaths (right-associative / precedence 5)


Operator alias for Ctl.Internal.Helpers.fromMaybeFlipped (left-associative / precedence 5)


appendFirstMaybe :: forall (a :: Type). Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a

Combine two Maybes taking the First Maybe


appendLastMaybe :: forall (a :: Type). Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a

Combine two Maybes taking the Last Maybe


appendMap :: forall (k :: Type) (v :: Type). Ord k => Semigroup v => Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v

Provide an append for Maps where the value has as Semigroup instance


appendRightMap :: forall (k :: Type) (v :: Type). Ord k => Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v

Provide an append for Maps with right bias


bigIntToUInt :: BigInt -> Maybe UInt

Converts a BigInt to UInt with potential failure.


concatPaths :: String -> String -> String

Concat two strings with "/" in the middle, but stripping multiple slashes.


encodeMap :: forall (k :: Type) (v :: Type). EncodeAeson k => EncodeAeson v => Map k v -> Aeson

If k is encoded as string, encodeMap encodes Map as Object, else as an Array of Aeson /\ Aeson pairs


encodeTagged :: forall a. String -> a -> (a -> Aeson) -> Aeson

Args: tag value encoder Encodes value using encoder as { "tag": *encoded tag*, "contents": *encoded value* }


encodeTagged' :: forall (a :: Type). EncodeAeson a => String -> a -> Aeson

A wrapper around encodeTagged function that uses encodeAeson for encoding the passed value


filterMapM :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) (k :: Type) (v :: Type). Ord k => Monad m => (v -> m Boolean) -> Map k v -> m (Map k v)

Filters a map on a Monadic context over a lifted predicate on the map's value


filterMapWithKeyM :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) (k :: Type) (v :: Type). Ord k => Monad m => (k -> v -> m Boolean) -> Map k v -> m (Map k v)

Filters a map on a Monadic context over a lifted predicate on both the map's key and value


fromJustEff :: forall (a :: Type). String -> Maybe a -> Effect a

Throws provided error on Nothing


fromMaybeFlipped :: forall (a :: Type). Maybe a -> a -> a


fromRightEff :: forall (a :: Type) (e :: Type). Show e => Either e a -> Effect a


liftEither :: forall (a :: Type) (e :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type). MonadThrow e m => Either e a -> m a


liftM :: forall (e :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type). MonadThrow e m => e -> Maybe a -> m a

Given an error and a Maybe value, lift the context via liftEither.


liftMWith :: forall (e :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) (b :: Type). MonadError e m => e -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> m b

Given an error and a Maybe value, lift the context via liftEither with a handler on Right.


liftedM :: forall (e :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type). MonadError e m => e -> m (Maybe a) -> m a

Given an error and a lifted Maybe value.


logString :: LogLevel -> LogLevel -> String -> Effect Unit

Log a message from the JS side of the FFI boundary. The first LogLevel argument represents the configured log level (e.g. within QueryConfig). The second argument is the level for this particular message


logWithLevel :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). MonadEffect m => LogLevel -> Message -> m Unit

Log a message by printing it to the console, depending on the provided LogLevel


maybeArrayMerge :: forall (a :: Type). Eq a => Maybe (Array a) -> Maybe (Array a) -> Maybe (Array a)

Combine two Maybe Array's where Nothing and the empty Array both act as an identity


mkErrorRecord :: forall (a :: Type). String -> String -> a -> { args :: a, error :: String, errorType :: String }

Used for EncodeAeson for datatype errors


showWithParens :: forall (a :: Type). Show a => String -> a -> String

Provides Show instances for Newtypes that do not have inner parenthesis, e.g. BigInt. We could optionally use a Newtype constraint for unwrapping, but we don't constrain ourselves by deconstructing the wrapper.


uIntToBigInt :: UInt -> BigInt

Converts an UInt to BigInt



eqOrd :: forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Boolean


showFromBytes :: forall a. IsCsl a => IsBytes a => String -> a -> String


showFromCbor :: forall a. IsCsl a => IsBytes a => String -> a -> String


compareViaCslBytes :: forall a b. IsCsl a => IsBytes a => IsCsl b => IsBytes b => a -> b -> Ordering


decodeMap :: forall (k :: Type) (v :: Type). DecodeAeson k => Ord k => DecodeAeson v => DecodeTupleAux (k /\ v) => Aeson -> Either JsonDecodeError (Map k v)


decodeTaggedNewtype :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). DecodeAeson a => String -> (a -> b) -> Aeson -> Either JsonDecodeError b


unsafeFromJust :: forall a. String -> Maybe a -> a
