class (CommutativeRing a) <= EuclideanRing a where
The EuclideanRing
class is for commutative rings that support division.
The mathematical structure this class is based on is sometimes also called
a Euclidean domain.
Instances must satisfy the following laws in addition to the Ring
- Integral domain:
one /= zero
, and ifa
are both nonzero then so is their producta * b
- Euclidean function
:- Nonnegativity: For all nonzero
,degree a >= 0
- Quotient/remainder: For all
, whereb
is nonzero, letq = a / b
andr = a `mod` b
; thena = q*b + r
, and also eitherr = zero
ordegree r < degree b
- Nonnegativity: For all nonzero
- Submultiplicative euclidean function:
- For all nonzero
,degree a <= degree (a * b)
- For all nonzero
The behaviour of division by zero
is unconstrained by these laws,
meaning that individual instances are free to choose how to behave in this
case. Similarly, there are no restrictions on what the result of
degree zero
is; it doesn't make sense to ask for degree zero
in the
same way that it doesn't make sense to divide by zero
, so again,
individual instances may choose how to handle this case.
For any EuclideanRing
which is also a Field
, one valid choice
for degree
is simply const 1
. In fact, unless there's a specific
reason not to, Field
types should normally use this definition of
The EuclideanRing Int
instance is one of the most commonly used
instances and deserves a little more discussion. In
particular, there are a few different sensible law-abiding implementations
to choose from, with slightly different behaviour in the presence of
negative dividends or divisors. The most common definitions are "truncating"
division, where the result of a / b
is rounded towards 0, and "Knuthian"
or "flooring" division, where the result of a / b
is rounded towards
negative infinity. A slightly less common, but arguably more useful, option
is "Euclidean" division, which is defined so as to ensure that a `mod` b
is always nonnegative. With Euclidean division, a / b
rounds towards
negative infinity if the divisor is positive, and towards positive infinity
if the divisor is negative. Note that all three definitions are identical if
we restrict our attention to nonnegative dividends and divisors.
In versions 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x of the Prelude, the EuclideanRing Int
instance used truncating division. As of 4.x, the EuclideanRing Int
instance uses Euclidean division. Additional functions quot
and rem
supplied if truncating division is desired.
Operator alias for Data.EuclideanRing.div (left-associative / precedence 7)
gcd :: forall a. Eq a => EuclideanRing a => a -> a -> a
The greatest common divisor of two values.
lcm :: forall a. Eq a => EuclideanRing a => a -> a -> a
The least common multiple of two values.
Re-exports from Data.CommutativeRing
class (Ring a) <= CommutativeRing a
The CommutativeRing
class is for rings where multiplication is
Instances must satisfy the following law in addition to the Ring
- Commutative multiplication:
a * b = b * a
CommutativeRing Int
CommutativeRing Number
CommutativeRing Unit
(CommutativeRing b) => CommutativeRing (a -> b)
(RowToList row list, CommutativeRingRecord list row row) => CommutativeRing (Record row)
CommutativeRing (Proxy a)
Re-exports from Data.Ring
class (Semiring a) <= Ring a where
The Ring
class is for types that support addition, multiplication,
and subtraction operations.
Instances must satisfy the following laws in addition to the Semiring
- Additive inverse:
a - a = zero
- Compatibility of
:a - b = a + (zero - b)
sub :: a -> a -> a
Operator alias for Data.Ring.sub (left-associative / precedence 6)
Re-exports from Data.Semiring
class Semiring a where
The Semiring
class is for types that support an addition and
multiplication operation.
Instances must satisfy the following laws:
- Commutative monoid under addition:
- Associativity:
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
- Identity:
zero + a = a + zero = a
- Commutative:
a + b = b + a
- Associativity:
- Monoid under multiplication:
- Associativity:
(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
- Identity:
one * a = a * one = a
- Associativity:
- Multiplication distributes over addition:
- Left distributivity:
a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c)
- Right distributivity:
(a + b) * c = (a * c) + (b * c)
- Left distributivity:
- Annihilation:
zero * a = a * zero = zero
Note: The Number
and Int
types are not fully law abiding
members of this class hierarchy due to the potential for arithmetic
overflows, and in the case of Number
, the presence of NaN
values. The behaviour is unspecified in these cases.
Operator alias for Data.Semiring.add (left-associative / precedence 6)
Operator alias for Data.Semiring.mul (left-associative / precedence 7)
- Aeson
- Affjax
- Affjax.RequestBody
- Affjax.RequestHeader
- Affjax.ResponseFormat
- Affjax.ResponseHeader
- Affjax.StatusCode
- Ansi.Codes
- Ansi.Output
- Cardano.AsCbor
- Cardano.Collateral.FakeOutput
- Cardano.Collateral.Select
- Cardano.Collateral.UtxoMinAda
- Cardano.FromData
- Cardano.FromMetadata
- Cardano.MessageSigning
- Cardano.Plutus.ApplyArgs
- Cardano.Plutus.DataSchema
- Cardano.Plutus.DataSchema.Indexed
- Cardano.Plutus.DataSchema.Nat
- Cardano.Plutus.DataSchema.RowList
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.Address
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.Credential
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.CurrencySymbol
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.Map
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.MintingPolicyHash
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.OutputDatum
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.PaymentPubKeyHash
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.PubKeyHash
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.StakePubKeyHash
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.StakingCredential
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.TokenName
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.TransactionOutput
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.TransactionOutputWithRefScript
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.TransactionUnspentOutput
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.UtxoMap
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.Validator
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.ValidatorHash
- Cardano.Plutus.Types.Value
- Cardano.Provider
- Cardano.Provider.Error
- Cardano.Provider.TxEvaluation
- Cardano.Provider.Type
- Cardano.Serialization.Lib
- Cardano.Serialization.Lib.Internal
- Cardano.ToData
- Cardano.ToMetadata
- Cardano.Transaction.Builder
- Cardano.Transaction.Edit
- Cardano.Types
- Cardano.Types.Address
- Cardano.Types.Anchor
- Cardano.Types.AnchorDataHash
- Cardano.Types.Asset
- Cardano.Types.AssetClass
- Cardano.Types.AssetName
- Cardano.Types.AuxiliaryData
- Cardano.Types.AuxiliaryDataHash
- Cardano.Types.Base58String
- Cardano.Types.BaseAddress
- Cardano.Types.Bech32String
- Cardano.Types.BigInt
- Cardano.Types.BigNum
- Cardano.Types.BootstrapWitness
- Cardano.Types.ByronAddress
- Cardano.Types.CborBytes
- Cardano.Types.Certificate
- Cardano.Types.Chain
- Cardano.Types.Coin
- Cardano.Types.Committee
- Cardano.Types.Constitution
- Cardano.Types.CostModel
- Cardano.Types.Credential
- Cardano.Types.DRep
- Cardano.Types.DRepVotingThresholds
- Cardano.Types.DataHash
- Cardano.Types.DelegationsAndRewards
- Cardano.Types.Ed25519KeyHash
- Cardano.Types.Ed25519Signature
- Cardano.Types.EnterpriseAddress
- Cardano.Types.Epoch
- Cardano.Types.EraSummaries
- Cardano.Types.ExUnitPrices
- Cardano.Types.ExUnits
- Cardano.Types.GeneralTransactionMetadata
- Cardano.Types.GenesisHash
- Cardano.Types.GovernanceAction
- Cardano.Types.GovernanceActionId
- Cardano.Types.HardForkInitiationAction
- Cardano.Types.Int
- Cardano.Types.Internal.Helpers
- Cardano.Types.Ipv4
- Cardano.Types.Ipv6
- Cardano.Types.Language
- Cardano.Types.Mint
- Cardano.Types.MultiAsset
- Cardano.Types.NativeScript
- Cardano.Types.NetworkId
- Cardano.Types.NewConstitutionAction
- Cardano.Types.NoConfidenceAction
- Cardano.Types.OutputDatum
- Cardano.Types.ParameterChangeAction
- Cardano.Types.PaymentCredential
- Cardano.Types.PaymentPubKeyHash
- Cardano.Types.PlutusData
- Cardano.Types.PlutusScript
- Cardano.Types.PointerAddress
- Cardano.Types.PoolMetadata
- Cardano.Types.PoolMetadataHash
- Cardano.Types.PoolParams
- Cardano.Types.PoolPubKeyHash
- Cardano.Types.PoolVotingThresholds
- Cardano.Types.PrivateKey
- Cardano.Types.ProtocolParamUpdate
- Cardano.Types.ProtocolVersion
- Cardano.Types.PublicKey
- Cardano.Types.RawBytes
- Cardano.Types.Redeemer
- Cardano.Types.RedeemerDatum
- Cardano.Types.RedeemerTag
- Cardano.Types.Relay
- Cardano.Types.RewardAddress
- Cardano.Types.ScriptDataHash
- Cardano.Types.ScriptHash
- Cardano.Types.ScriptRef
- Cardano.Types.Slot
- Cardano.Types.StakeCredential
- Cardano.Types.StakePubKeyHash
- Cardano.Types.Transaction
- Cardano.Types.TransactionBody
- Cardano.Types.TransactionHash
- Cardano.Types.TransactionInput
- Cardano.Types.TransactionMetadatum
- Cardano.Types.TransactionOutput
- Cardano.Types.TransactionUnspentOutput
- Cardano.Types.TransactionWitnessSet
- Cardano.Types.TreasuryWithdrawalsAction
- Cardano.Types.URL
- Cardano.Types.UnitInterval
- Cardano.Types.UpdateCommitteeAction
- Cardano.Types.UtxoMap
- Cardano.Types.VRFKeyHash
- Cardano.Types.Value
- Cardano.Types.Vkey
- Cardano.Types.Vkeywitness
- Cardano.Types.Vote
- Cardano.Types.Voter
- Cardano.Types.VotingProcedure
- Cardano.Types.VotingProcedures
- Cardano.Types.VotingProposal
- Cardano.Wallet.Cip30
- Cardano.Wallet.Cip30.TypeSafe
- Cardano.Wallet.Cip30Mock
- Cardano.Wallet.Cip95
- Cardano.Wallet.Cip95.TypeSafe
- Cardano.Wallet.HD
- Cardano.Wallet.Key
- Contract.Address
- Contract.AuxiliaryData
- Contract.Backend.Ogmios
- Contract.Backend.Ogmios.Mempool
- Contract.BalanceTxConstraints
- Contract.CborBytes
- Contract.Chain
- Contract.ClientError
- Contract.Config
- Contract.Credential
- Contract.Crypto.Secp256k1
- Contract.Crypto.Secp256k1.ECDSA
- Contract.Crypto.Secp256k1.Schnorr
- Contract.Crypto.Secp256k1.Utils
- Contract.Hashing
- Contract.JsSdk
- Contract.Keys
- Contract.Log
- Contract.Metadata
- Contract.Monad
- Contract.Numeric.BigNum
- Contract.Numeric.Convert
- Contract.Numeric.Rational
- Contract.Plutarch.Types
- Contract.PlutusData
- Contract.Prelude
- Contract.Prim.ByteArray
- Contract.ProtocolParameters
- Contract.ScriptLookups
- Contract.Scripts
- Contract.Staking
- Contract.Sync
- Contract.Test
- Contract.Test.Assert
- Contract.Test.Blockfrost
- Contract.Test.Cip30Mock
- Contract.Test.E2E
- Contract.Test.Mote
- Contract.Test.Mote.ConsoleReporter
- Contract.Test.Testnet
- Contract.Test.Utils
- Contract.TextEnvelope
- Contract.Time
- Contract.Transaction
- Contract.TxConstraints
- Contract.UnbalancedTx
- Contract.Utxos
- Contract.Value
- Contract.Wallet
- Contract.Wallet.Key
- Contract.Wallet.KeyFile
- Control.Algebra.Properties
- Control.Alt
- Control.Alternative
- Control.Applicative
- Control.Apply
- Control.Biapplicative
- Control.Biapply
- Control.Bind
- Control.Category
- Control.Comonad
- Control.Comonad.Cofree
- Control.Comonad.Cofree.Class
- Control.Comonad.Cofree.Trans
- Control.Comonad.Env
- Control.Comonad.Env.Class
- Control.Comonad.Env.Trans
- Control.Comonad.Store
- Control.Comonad.Store.Class
- Control.Comonad.Store.Trans
- Control.Comonad.Traced
- Control.Comonad.Traced.Class
- Control.Comonad.Traced.Trans
- Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
- Control.Extend
- Control.Lazy
- Control.Monad
- Control.Monad.Cont
- Control.Monad.Cont.Class
- Control.Monad.Cont.Trans
- Control.Monad.Error.Class
- Control.Monad.Except
- Control.Monad.Except.Checked
- Control.Monad.Except.Trans
- Control.Monad.Fork.Class
- Control.Monad.Free
- Control.Monad.Free.Class
- Control.Monad.Free.Trans
- Control.Monad.Gen
- Control.Monad.Gen.Class
- Control.Monad.Gen.Common
- Control.Monad.Identity.Trans
- Control.Monad.List.Trans
- Control.Monad.Logger.Class
- Control.Monad.Logger.Trans
- Control.Monad.Maybe.Trans
- Control.Monad.Morph
- Control.Monad.RWS
- Control.Monad.RWS.Trans
- Control.Monad.Reader
- Control.Monad.Reader.Class
- Control.Monad.Reader.Trans
- Control.Monad.Rec.Class
- Control.Monad.ST
- Control.Monad.ST.Class
- Control.Monad.ST.Global
- Control.Monad.ST.Internal
- Control.Monad.ST.Ref
- Control.Monad.ST.Uncurried
- Control.Monad.State
- Control.Monad.State.Class
- Control.Monad.State.Trans
- Control.Monad.Trampoline
- Control.Monad.Trans.Class
- Control.Monad.Writer
- Control.Monad.Writer.Class
- Control.Monad.Writer.Trans
- Control.MonadPlus
- Control.Parallel
- Control.Parallel.Class
- Control.Plus
- Control.Promise
- Control.Safely
- Control.Semigroupoid
- Ctl.Examples.AdditionalUtxos
- Ctl.Examples.AlwaysMints
- Ctl.Examples.AlwaysSucceeds
- Ctl.Examples.AwaitTxConfirmedWithTimeout
- Ctl.Examples.BalanceTxConstraints
- Ctl.Examples.ByUrl
- Ctl.Examples.ChangeGeneration
- Ctl.Examples.Cip30
- Ctl.Examples.ContractTestUtils
- Ctl.Examples.Datums
- Ctl.Examples.DropTokens
- Ctl.Examples.ECDSA
- Ctl.Examples.ExUnits
- Ctl.Examples.Gov.DelegateVoteAbstain
- Ctl.Examples.Gov.Internal.Common
- Ctl.Examples.Gov.ManageDrep
- Ctl.Examples.Gov.ManageDrepScript
- Ctl.Examples.Gov.SubmitVote
- Ctl.Examples.Gov.SubmitVoteScript
- Ctl.Examples.Helpers
- Ctl.Examples.IncludeDatum
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Cip30
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.DelegateVoteAbstain
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Internal.Cip30Contract
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Internal.Cip30HtmlForm
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Internal.Contract
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Internal.HtmlForm
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Internal.Pkh2PkhContract
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Internal.Pkh2PkhHtmlForm
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.ManageDrep
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.MintsAndSendsToken
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.Pkh2Pkh
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.SignMultiple
- Ctl.Examples.KeyWallet.SubmitVote
- Ctl.Examples.Lose7Ada
- Ctl.Examples.ManyAssets
- Ctl.Examples.MintsMultipleTokens
- Ctl.Examples.MultipleRedeemers
- Ctl.Examples.NativeScriptMints
- Ctl.Examples.OneShotMinting
- Ctl.Examples.PaysWithDatum
- Ctl.Examples.Pkh2Pkh
- Ctl.Examples.PlutusV2.AlwaysSucceeds
- Ctl.Examples.PlutusV2.InlineDatum
- Ctl.Examples.PlutusV2.OneShotMinting
- Ctl.Examples.PlutusV2.ReferenceInputsAndScripts
- Ctl.Examples.PlutusV2.Scripts.AlwaysMints
- Ctl.Examples.PlutusV2.Scripts.AlwaysSucceeds
- Ctl.Examples.PlutusV3.Scripts.AlwaysMints
- Ctl.Examples.Schnorr
- Ctl.Examples.SendsToken
- Ctl.Examples.SignData
- Ctl.Examples.SignMultiple
- Ctl.Examples.TxChaining
- Ctl.Examples.Utxos
- Ctl.Examples.Wallet
- Ctl.Internal.Affjax
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.CoinSelection
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.Collateral
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.Collateral.Select
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.Constraints
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.Error
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.ExUnitsAndMinFee
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.FakeOutput
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.Sync
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.Types
- Ctl.Internal.BalanceTx.UtxoMinAda
- Ctl.Internal.Cardano.TextEnvelope
- Ctl.Internal.CardanoCli
- Ctl.Internal.CoinSelection.UtxoIndex
- Ctl.Internal.Contract
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.AwaitTxConfirmed
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.Hooks
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.LogParams
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.MinFee
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.Monad
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.Provider
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.ProviderBackend
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.Sign
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.WaitUntilSlot
- Ctl.Internal.Contract.Wallet
- Ctl.Internal.Error
- Ctl.Internal.FfiHelpers
- Ctl.Internal.Helpers
- Ctl.Internal.Helpers.Formatter
- Ctl.Internal.IsData
- Ctl.Internal.Logging
- Ctl.Internal.Metadata.MetadataType
- Ctl.Internal.MinFee
- Ctl.Internal.NativeScripts
- Ctl.Internal.Partition
- Ctl.Internal.ProcessConstraints
- Ctl.Internal.ProcessConstraints.Error
- Ctl.Internal.ProcessConstraints.State
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.CurrentEpoch
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.EraSummaries
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.HttpUtils
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Kupo
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Ogmios
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Ogmios.Mempool
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Ogmios.Mempool.Dispatcher
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Ogmios.Mempool.JsWebSocket
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Ogmios.Mempool.JsonRpc2
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Ogmios.Types
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.Pools
- Ctl.Internal.QueryM.UniqueId
- Ctl.Internal.ServerConfig
- Ctl.Internal.Service.Blockfrost
- Ctl.Internal.Service.Helpers
- Ctl.Internal.Spawn
- Ctl.Internal.Test.ConsoleReporter
- Ctl.Internal.Test.ContractTest
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Browser
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Feedback
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Feedback.Browser
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Feedback.Hooks
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Feedback.Node
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Options
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Route
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Runner
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Types
- Ctl.Internal.Test.E2E.Wallets
- Ctl.Internal.Test.KeyDir
- Ctl.Internal.Test.UtxoDistribution
- Ctl.Internal.Testnet.Contract
- Ctl.Internal.Testnet.DistributeFunds
- Ctl.Internal.Testnet.Server
- Ctl.Internal.Testnet.Types
- Ctl.Internal.Testnet.Utils
- Ctl.Internal.Transaction
- Ctl.Internal.TxOutput
- Ctl.Internal.Types.Cbor
- Ctl.Internal.Types.Interval
- Ctl.Internal.Types.MetadataLabel
- Ctl.Internal.Types.ProtocolParameters
- Ctl.Internal.Types.Rational
- Ctl.Internal.Types.ScriptLookups
- Ctl.Internal.Types.StakeValidatorHash
- Ctl.Internal.Types.SystemStart
- Ctl.Internal.Types.TxConstraints
- Ctl.Internal.Types.UsedTxOuts
- Ctl.Internal.Types.Val
- Ctl.Internal.Wallet
- Ctl.Internal.Wallet.Cip30
- Ctl.Internal.Wallet.Cip30Mock
- Ctl.Internal.Wallet.KeyFile
- Ctl.Internal.Wallet.Spec
- Data.Align
- Data.Argonaut
- Data.Argonaut.Core
- Data.Argonaut.Decode
- Data.Argonaut.Decode.Class
- Data.Argonaut.Decode.Combinators
- Data.Argonaut.Decode.Decoders
- Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error
- Data.Argonaut.Decode.Parser
- Data.Argonaut.Encode
- Data.Argonaut.Encode.Class
- Data.Argonaut.Encode.Combinators
- Data.Argonaut.Encode.Encoders
- Data.Argonaut.Gen
- Data.Argonaut.JCursor
- Data.Argonaut.JCursor.Gen
- Data.Argonaut.Parser
- Data.Argonaut.Prisms
- Data.Argonaut.Traversals
- Data.Array
- Data.Array.NonEmpty
- Data.Array.NonEmpty.Internal
- Data.Array.Partial
- Data.Array.ST
- Data.Array.ST.Iterator
- Data.Array.ST.Partial
- Data.ArrayBuffer.Types
- Data.Bifoldable
- Data.Bifunctor
- Data.Bifunctor.Join
- Data.BigNumber
- Data.Bitraversable
- Data.Boolean
- Data.BooleanAlgebra
- Data.Bounded
- Data.Bounded.Generic
- Data.ByteArray
- Data.CatList
- Data.CatQueue
- Data.Char
- Data.Char.Gen
- Data.Char.Utils
- Data.CodePoint.Unicode
- Data.CodePoint.Unicode.Internal
- Data.CodePoint.Unicode.Internal.Casing
- Data.CommutativeRing
- Data.Comparison
- Data.Const
- Data.Coyoneda
- Data.Date
- Data.Date.Component
- Data.Date.Component.Gen
- Data.Date.Gen
- Data.DateTime
- Data.DateTime.Gen
- Data.DateTime.Instant
- Data.Decidable
- Data.Decide
- Data.Distributive
- Data.Divide
- Data.Divisible
- Data.DivisionRing
- Data.Either
- Data.Either.Inject
- Data.Either.Nested
- Data.Enum
- Data.Enum.Gen
- Data.Enum.Generic
- Data.Eq
- Data.Eq.Generic
- Data.Equivalence
- Data.EuclideanRing
- Data.Exists
- Data.Field
- Data.Foldable
- Data.FoldableWithIndex
- Data.FormURLEncoded
- Data.Formatter.DateTime
- Data.Formatter.Internal
- Data.Formatter.Interval
- Data.Formatter.Number
- Data.Formatter.Parser.Interval
- Data.Formatter.Parser.Number
- Data.Formatter.Parser.Utils
- Data.Function
- Data.Function.Memoize
- Data.Function.Uncurried
- Data.Functor
- Data.Functor.App
- Data.Functor.Clown
- Data.Functor.Compose
- Data.Functor.Contravariant
- Data.Functor.Coproduct
- Data.Functor.Coproduct.Inject
- Data.Functor.Coproduct.Nested
- Data.Functor.Costar
- Data.Functor.Flip
- Data.Functor.Invariant
- Data.Functor.Joker
- Data.Functor.Mu
- Data.Functor.Nu
- Data.Functor.Product
- Data.Functor.Product.Nested
- Data.Functor.Product2
- Data.Functor.Variant
- Data.FunctorWithIndex
- Data.Generic.Rep
- Data.HTTP.Method
- Data.HeytingAlgebra
- Data.HeytingAlgebra.Generic
- Data.Identity
- Data.Int
- Data.Int.Bits
- Data.Interval
- Data.Interval.Duration
- Data.Interval.Duration.Iso
- Data.JSDate
- Data.Lattice
- Data.Lattice.Verify
- Data.Lazy
- Data.Lens
- Data.Lens.AffineTraversal
- Data.Lens.At
- Data.Lens.Common
- Data.Lens.Fold
- Data.Lens.Fold.Partial
- Data.Lens.Getter
- Data.Lens.Grate
- Data.Lens.Index
- Data.Lens.Indexed
- Data.Lens.Internal.Bazaar
- Data.Lens.Internal.Exchange
- Data.Lens.Internal.Focusing
- Data.Lens.Internal.Forget
- Data.Lens.Internal.Grating
- Data.Lens.Internal.Indexed
- Data.Lens.Internal.Market
- Data.Lens.Internal.Re
- Data.Lens.Internal.Shop
- Data.Lens.Internal.Stall
- Data.Lens.Internal.Tagged
- Data.Lens.Internal.Wander
- Data.Lens.Internal.Zipping
- Data.Lens.Iso
- Data.Lens.Iso.Newtype
- Data.Lens.Lens
- Data.Lens.Lens.Product
- Data.Lens.Lens.Tuple
- Data.Lens.Lens.Unit
- Data.Lens.Lens.Void
- Data.Lens.Prism
- Data.Lens.Prism.Coproduct
- Data.Lens.Prism.Either
- Data.Lens.Prism.Maybe
- Data.Lens.Record
- Data.Lens.Setter
- Data.Lens.Traversal
- Data.Lens.Types
- Data.Lens.Zoom
- Data.List
- Data.List.Internal
- Data.List.Lazy
- Data.List.Lazy.NonEmpty
- Data.List.Lazy.Types
- Data.List.NonEmpty
- Data.List.Partial
- Data.List.Types
- Data.List.ZipList
- Data.Log.Filter
- Data.Log.Formatter.JSON
- Data.Log.Formatter.Pretty
- Data.Log.Level
- Data.Log.Message
- Data.Log.Tag
- Data.Map
- Data.Map.Gen
- Data.Map.Internal
- Data.Maybe
- Data.Maybe.First
- Data.Maybe.Last
- Data.MediaType
- Data.MediaType.Common
- Data.Monoid
- Data.Monoid.Additive
- Data.Monoid.Alternate
- Data.Monoid.Conj
- Data.Monoid.Disj
- Data.Monoid.Dual
- Data.Monoid.Endo
- Data.Monoid.Generic
- Data.Monoid.Multiplicative
- Data.NaturalTransformation
- Data.Newtype
- Data.NonEmpty
- Data.Nullable
- Data.Number
- Data.Number.Approximate
- Data.Number.Format
- Data.Op
- Data.Options
- Data.Ord
- Data.Ord.Down
- Data.Ord.Generic
- Data.Ord.Max
- Data.Ord.Min
- Data.Ordering
- Data.Posix
- Data.Posix.Signal
- Data.Predicate
- Data.Profunctor
- Data.Profunctor.Choice
- Data.Profunctor.Closed
- Data.Profunctor.Cochoice
- Data.Profunctor.Costrong
- Data.Profunctor.Join
- Data.Profunctor.Split
- Data.Profunctor.Star
- Data.Profunctor.Strong
- Data.Ratio
- Data.Rational
- Data.Reflectable
- Data.Ring
- Data.Ring.Generic
- Data.Semigroup
- Data.Semigroup.First
- Data.Semigroup.Foldable
- Data.Semigroup.Generic
- Data.Semigroup.Last
- Data.Semigroup.Traversable
- Data.Semiring
- Data.Semiring.Generic
- Data.Set
- Data.Set.NonEmpty
- Data.Show
- Data.Show.Generic
- Data.String
- Data.String.CaseInsensitive
- Data.String.CodePoints
- Data.String.CodeUnits
- Data.String.Common
- Data.String.Gen
- Data.String.NonEmpty
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CaseInsensitive
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CodePoints
- Data.String.NonEmpty.CodeUnits
- Data.String.NonEmpty.Internal
- Data.String.Pattern
- Data.String.Regex
- Data.String.Regex.Flags
- Data.String.Regex.Unsafe
- Data.String.Unicode
- Data.String.Unsafe
- Data.String.Utils
- Data.Symbol
- Data.TacitString
- Data.TextDecoder
- Data.TextEncoder
- Data.These
- Data.These.Gen
- Data.Time
- Data.Time.Component
- Data.Time.Component.Gen
- Data.Time.Duration
- Data.Time.Duration.Gen
- Data.Time.Gen
- Data.Traversable
- Data.Traversable.Accum
- Data.Traversable.Accum.Internal
- Data.TraversableWithIndex
- Data.Tuple
- Data.Tuple.Nested
- Data.Typelevel.Bool
- Data.Typelevel.Num
- Data.Typelevel.Num.Aliases
- Data.Typelevel.Num.Ops
- Data.Typelevel.Num.Reps
- Data.Typelevel.Num.Sets
- Data.Typelevel.Undefined
- Data.UInt
- Data.UInt.Gen
- Data.Unfoldable
- Data.Unfoldable1
- Data.Unit
- Data.Variant
- Data.Variant.Internal
- Data.Void
- Data.Yoneda
- Debug
- Effect
- Effect.AVar
- Effect.Aff
- Effect.Aff.AVar
- Effect.Aff.Class
- Effect.Aff.Compat
- Effect.Aff.Retry
- Effect.Class
- Effect.Class.Console
- Effect.Console
- Effect.Exception
- Effect.Exception.Unsafe
- Effect.Now
- Effect.Random
- Effect.Ref
- Effect.Uncurried
- Effect.Unsafe
- ExitCodes
- Foreign
- Foreign.Index
- Foreign.Keys
- Foreign.Object
- Foreign.Object.Gen
- Foreign.Object.ST
- Foreign.Object.ST.Unsafe
- Foreign.Object.Unsafe
- Heterogeneous.Folding
- Heterogeneous.Mapping
- Internal.CardanoCli.Provider
- JS.BigInt
- Literals
- Literals.Boolean
- Literals.Int
- Literals.Literal
- Literals.Null
- Literals.Number
- Literals.String
- Literals.Undefined
- Mote
- Mote.Description
- Mote.Entry
- Mote.Monad
- Mote.Plan
- Mote.TestPlanM
- Noble.Secp256k1.ECDSA
- Noble.Secp256k1.Schnorr
- Noble.Secp256k1.Utils
- Node.Buffer
- Node.Buffer.Class
- Node.Buffer.Immutable
- Node.Buffer.Internal
- Node.Buffer.ST
- Node.Buffer.Types
- Node.ChildProcess
- Node.Crypto
- Node.Crypto.Cipher
- Node.Crypto.Decipher
- Node.Crypto.Hash
- Node.Crypto.Hmac
- Node.Encoding
- Node.FS
- Node.FS.Aff
- Node.FS.Async
- Node.FS.Perms
- Node.FS.Stats
- Node.FS.Stream
- Node.FS.Sync
- Node.HTTP
- Node.HTTP.Client
- Node.HTTP.Secure
- Node.Net
- Node.Net.Server
- Node.Net.Socket
- Node.Path
- Node.Platform
- Node.Process
- Node.ReadLine
- Node.Stream
- Node.Stream.Aff
- Node.Stream.Aff.Internal
- Node.URL
- Options.Applicative
- Options.Applicative.BashCompletion
- Options.Applicative.Builder
- Options.Applicative.Builder.Completer
- Options.Applicative.Builder.Internal
- Options.Applicative.Common
- Options.Applicative.Extra
- Options.Applicative.Help
- Options.Applicative.Help.Chunk
- Options.Applicative.Help.Core
- Options.Applicative.Help.Levenshtein
- Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty
- Options.Applicative.Help.Types
- Options.Applicative.Internal
- Options.Applicative.Internal.Utils
- Options.Applicative.Types
- PSCI.Support
- Parsing
- Parsing.Combinators
- Parsing.Combinators.Array
- Parsing.Expr
- Parsing.Indent
- Parsing.Language
- Parsing.String
- Parsing.String.Basic
- Parsing.String.Replace
- Parsing.Token
- Partial
- Partial.Unsafe
- Pipes
- Pipes.Core
- Pipes.Internal
- Pipes.ListT
- Pipes.Prelude
- Prelude
- Prim
- Prim.Boolean
- Prim.Coerce
- Prim.Int
- Prim.Ordering
- Prim.Row
- Prim.RowList
- Prim.Symbol
- Prim.TypeError
- Random.LCG
- Record
- Record.Builder
- Record.Unsafe
- Record.Unsafe.Union
- Safe.Coerce
- Scaffold
- Scaffold.Main
- Scaffold.Test.Blockfrost
- Scaffold.Test.E2E
- Scaffold.Test.E2E.Serve
- Test.Assert
- Test.Ctl.ApplyArgs
- Test.Ctl.BalanceTx.ChangeGeneration
- Test.Ctl.BalanceTx.Collateral
- Test.Ctl.BalanceTx.Time
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.Aeson.Suite
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.Contract
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.GenerateFixtures.ChainTip
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.GenerateFixtures.EraSummaries
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.GenerateFixtures.Helpers
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.GenerateFixtures.NativeScript
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.GenerateFixtures.ProtocolParameters
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.GenerateFixtures.ScriptInfo
- Test.Ctl.Blockfrost.GenerateFixtures.SystemStart
- Test.Ctl.CoinSelection
- Test.Ctl.CoinSelection.Arbitrary
- Test.Ctl.CoinSelection.RoundRobin
- Test.Ctl.CoinSelection.SelectionState
- Test.Ctl.CoinSelection.UtxoIndex
- Test.Ctl.CslGc
- Test.Ctl.Data
- Test.Ctl.Data.Interval
- Test.Ctl.E2E
- Test.Ctl.E2E.Route
- Test.Ctl.Fixtures
- Test.Ctl.Fixtures.CostModels
- Test.Ctl.Hashing
- Test.Ctl.Integration
- Test.Ctl.Internal.Hashing
- Test.Ctl.Internal.Plutus.Credential
- Test.Ctl.Internal.Plutus.Time
- Test.Ctl.Logging
- Test.Ctl.Main
- Test.Ctl.NativeScript
- Test.Ctl.Ogmios.Aeson
- Test.Ctl.Ogmios.EvaluateTx
- Test.Ctl.Ogmios.GenerateFixtures
- Test.Ctl.Partition
- Test.Ctl.PrivateKey
- Test.Ctl.ProtocolParameters
- Test.Ctl.QueryM.AffInterface
- Test.Ctl.Serialization
- Test.Ctl.Serialization.Hash
- Test.Ctl.Testnet
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Common
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Contract
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Contract.Assert
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Contract.Mnemonics
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Contract.OgmiosMempool
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.DistributeFunds
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.ExUnits
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Gov
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Logging
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.SameWallets
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Staking
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.Utils
- Test.Ctl.Testnet.UtxoDistribution
- Test.Ctl.Types.Interval
- Test.Ctl.Types.Ipv6
- Test.Ctl.Types.TokenName
- Test.Ctl.Types.Transaction
- Test.Ctl.Unit
- Test.Ctl.UsedTxOuts
- Test.Ctl.Utils
- Test.Ctl.Utils.DrainWallets
- Test.Ctl.Wallet.Bip32
- Test.QuickCheck
- Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
- Test.QuickCheck.Combinators
- Test.QuickCheck.Gen
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Align
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Alignable
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Alt
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Alternative
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Applicative
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Apply
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Bind
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Category
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Comonad
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Crosswalk
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Extend
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Monad
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.MonadPlus
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Plus
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Control.Semigroupoid
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.BooleanAlgebra
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Bounded
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.BoundedEnum
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.CommutativeRing
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.DivisionRing
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Enum
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Eq
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.EuclideanRing
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Field
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Foldable
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Functor
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.FunctorWithIndex
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.HeytingAlgebra
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Monoid
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Ord
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Ring
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Semigroup
- Test.QuickCheck.Laws.Data.Semiring
- Test.Scaffold.Main
- Test.Spec
- Test.Spec.Assertions
- Test.Spec.Assertions.String
- Test.Spec.Console
- Test.Spec.QuickCheck
- Test.Spec.Reporter
- Test.Spec.Reporter.Base
- Test.Spec.Reporter.Console
- Test.Spec.Reporter.ConsoleReporter
- Test.Spec.Reporter.Dot
- Test.Spec.Reporter.Spec
- Test.Spec.Reporter.Tap
- Test.Spec.Reporter.TeamCity
- Test.Spec.Result
- Test.Spec.Runner
- Test.Spec.Runner.Event
- Test.Spec.Speed
- Test.Spec.Style
- Test.Spec.Summary
- Test.Spec.Tree
- Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen
- Toppokki
- Type.Data.Boolean
- Type.Data.Ordering
- Type.Data.Symbol
- Type.Equality
- Type.Function
- Type.Prelude
- Type.Proxy
- Type.Row
- Type.Row.Homogeneous
- Type.RowList
- Unsafe.Coerce
- Untagged.Castable
- Untagged.TypeCheck
- Untagged.Union
- Web.DOM
- Web.DOM.CharacterData
- Web.DOM.ChildNode
- Web.DOM.Comment
- Web.DOM.DOMTokenList
- Web.DOM.Document
- Web.DOM.DocumentFragment
- Web.DOM.DocumentType
- Web.DOM.Element
- Web.DOM.HTMLCollection
- Web.DOM.Internal.Types
- Web.DOM.MutationObserver
- Web.DOM.MutationRecord
- Web.DOM.Node
- Web.DOM.NodeList
- Web.DOM.NodeType
- Web.DOM.NonDocumentTypeChildNode
- Web.DOM.NonElementParentNode
- Web.DOM.ParentNode
- Web.DOM.ProcessingInstruction
- Web.DOM.ShadowRoot
- Web.DOM.Text
- Web.Event.CustomEvent
- Web.Event.Event
- Web.Event.EventPhase
- Web.Event.EventTarget
- Web.Event.Internal.Types
- Web.File.Blob
- Web.File.File
- Web.File.FileList
- Web.File.FileReader
- Web.File.FileReader.ReadyState
- Web.File.Url
- Web.HTML
- Web.HTML.Common
- Web.HTML.Event.BeforeUnloadEvent
- Web.HTML.Event.BeforeUnloadEvent.EventTypes
- Web.HTML.Event.DataTransfer
- Web.HTML.Event.DataTransfer.DataTransferItem
- Web.HTML.Event.DragEvent
- Web.HTML.Event.DragEvent.EventTypes
- Web.HTML.Event.ErrorEvent
- Web.HTML.Event.EventTypes
- Web.HTML.Event.HashChangeEvent
- Web.HTML.Event.HashChangeEvent.EventTypes
- Web.HTML.Event.PageTransitionEvent
- Web.HTML.Event.PageTransitionEvent.EventTypes
- Web.HTML.Event.PopStateEvent
- Web.HTML.Event.PopStateEvent.EventTypes
- Web.HTML.Event.TrackEvent
- Web.HTML.Event.TrackEvent.EventTypes
- Web.HTML.HTMLAnchorElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLAreaElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLAudioElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLBRElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLBaseElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLBodyElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLButtonElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLCanvasElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLDListElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLDataElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLDataListElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLDivElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLDocument
- Web.HTML.HTMLDocument.ReadyState
- Web.HTML.HTMLDocument.VisibilityState
- Web.HTML.HTMLElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLEmbedElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLFieldSetElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLFormElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLHRElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLHeadElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLHeadingElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLHtmlElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils
- Web.HTML.HTMLIFrameElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLImageElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLImageElement.CORSMode
- Web.HTML.HTMLImageElement.DecodingHint
- Web.HTML.HTMLImageElement.Laziness
- Web.HTML.HTMLInputElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLKeygenElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLLIElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLLabelElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLLegendElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLLinkElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLMapElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLMediaElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLMediaElement.CanPlayType
- Web.HTML.HTMLMediaElement.NetworkState
- Web.HTML.HTMLMediaElement.ReadyState
- Web.HTML.HTMLMetaElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLMeterElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLModElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLOListElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLObjectElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLOptGroupElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLOptionElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLOutputElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLParagraphElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLParamElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLPreElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLProgressElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLQuoteElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLScriptElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLSelectElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLSourceElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLSpanElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLStyleElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableCaptionElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableCellElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableColElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableDataCellElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableHeaderCellElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableRowElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTableSectionElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTemplateElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTextAreaElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTimeElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTitleElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTrackElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLTrackElement.ReadyState
- Web.HTML.HTMLUListElement
- Web.HTML.HTMLVideoElement
- Web.HTML.History
- Web.HTML.Location
- Web.HTML.Navigator
- Web.HTML.SelectionMode
- Web.HTML.ValidityState
- Web.HTML.Window
- Web.Internal.FFI
- Web.Storage.Event.StorageEvent
- Web.Storage.Storage
- Web.XHR.EventTypes
- Web.XHR.FormData
- Web.XHR.ProgressEvent
- Web.XHR.ReadyState
- Web.XHR.ResponseType
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