

This module defines a data type and various functions for creating and manipulating JSON values. The README contains additional documentation for this module.


data Json

The type of JSON data. The underlying representation is the same as what would be returned from JavaScript's JSON.parse function; that is, ordinary JavaScript booleans, strings, arrays, objects, etc.



caseJson :: forall a. (Unit -> a) -> (Boolean -> a) -> (Number -> a) -> (String -> a) -> (Array Json -> a) -> (Object Json -> a) -> Json -> a

Case analysis for Json values. See the README for more information.


caseJsonNull :: forall a. a -> (Unit -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was null, and a default value for all other cases.


caseJsonBoolean :: forall a. a -> (Boolean -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a Boolean, and a default value for all other cases.


caseJsonNumber :: forall a. a -> (Number -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a Number, and a default value for all other cases.


caseJsonString :: forall a. a -> (String -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a String, and a default value for all other cases.


caseJsonArray :: forall a. a -> (Array Json -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a Array Json, and a default value for all other cases.


caseJsonObject :: forall a. a -> (Object Json -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was an Object, and a default value for all other cases.


isNull :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is the null value


isBoolean :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is a Boolean


isNumber :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is a Number


isString :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is a String


isArray :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is an Array


isObject :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is an Object


fromBoolean :: Boolean -> Json

Construct Json from a Boolean value


fromNumber :: Number -> Json

Construct Json from a Number value


fromString :: String -> Json

Construct the Json representation of a String value. Note that this function only produces Json containing a single piece of String data (similar to fromBoolean, fromNumber, etc.). This function does NOT convert the String encoding of a JSON value to Json - For that purpose, you'll need to use jsonParser.


fromArray :: Array Json -> Json

Construct Json from an array of Json values


fromObject :: Object Json -> Json

Construct Json from an object with Json values


toNull :: Json -> Maybe Unit

Convert Json to the Unit value if the Json is the null value


toBoolean :: Json -> Maybe Boolean

Convert Json to a Boolean value, if the Json is a boolean.


toNumber :: Json -> Maybe Number

Convert Json to a Number value, if the Json is a number.


toString :: Json -> Maybe String

Convert Json to a String value, if the Json is a string. To write a Json value to a JSON string, see stringify.


toArray :: Json -> Maybe (Array Json)

Convert Json to an Array of Json values, if the Json is an array.


toObject :: Json -> Maybe (Object Json)

Convert Json to an Object of Json values, if the Json is an object.


jsonNull :: Json

The JSON null value represented as Json


jsonTrue :: Json

The true boolean value represented as Json


jsonFalse :: Json

The false boolean value represented as Json


jsonZero :: Json

The number zero represented as Json


jsonEmptyString :: Json

An empty string represented as Json


jsonEmptyArray :: Json

An empty array represented as Json


jsonSingletonArray :: Json -> Json

Constructs a Json array value containing only the provided value


jsonEmptyObject :: Json

An empty object represented as Json


jsonSingletonObject :: String -> Json -> Json

Constructs a Json object value containing only the provided key and value


stringify :: Json -> String

Converts a Json value to a JSON string. To retrieve a string from a Json string value, see fromString.


stringifyWithIndent :: Int -> Json -> String

Converts a Json value to a JSON string. The first Int argument specifies the amount of white space characters to use as indentation. This number is capped at 10 (if it is greater, the value is just 10). Values less than 1 indicate that no space should be used.
