

Overview of the Problem

This module provides a way of dealing with the JS idiom of options objects in PureScript, by giving you the tools to provide a reasonably comfortable typed layer on top of JavaScript APIs which make use of this idiom.

Many JavaScript APIs include functions which take an object argument, where the object's properties come from a fixed set of optional configuration values. For example, the createWriteStream function from the Node.js fs module may contain properties such as:

  • flags, which should be a String, such as "w", "rw", or "r+",
  • defaultEncoding, which should be a String representing an encoding, such as "utf8",

and so on.

Why PureScript Records Don't Work

PureScript's record types can be a little awkward for this, since it is usually the case that any subset of these properties can be specified; however, a value of type { flags :: String, defaultEncoding :: String, [...] } must include every property listed, even if you only want to specify one or two properties.

Using this Library

This library provides a better solution for this problem. Using this module, you could wrap fs.createWriteStream as follows:

First, create a phantom type used for the options object:

data CreateWriteStreamOptions

Then, create Option values for each of the options:

flags :: Option CreateWriteStreamOptions String
flags = opt "flags"

defaultEncoding :: Option CreateWriteStreamOptions String
defaultEncoding = opt "defaultEncoding"

-- and so on

Import the function you're wrapping using the FFI, using the Foreign type for the options object:

-- don't export this!
foreign import createWriteStreamImpl :: FilePath -> Foreign -> Effect Unit

Finally, in the function you are going to export, take an Options value for the options argument, and use the options function provided by this library to convert it into a Foreign value, which will then have a suitable representation for passing to the JavaScript API.

createWriteStream :: FilePath -> Options CreateWriteStreamOptions -> Effect Unit
createWriteStream path opts = createWriteStreamImpl path (options opts)

Then, users of your API can create Options values using the := operator to assign values for the options they want to configure, and the Monoid Options instance to combine them. For example, as a user of this API, you might write:

FS.createWriteStream "file.txt" $
   defaultEncoding := "utf8" <>
   flags := "rw"

Increasing Type Safety

You can also use more specific types for more type safety. For example, it would be safer to use the existing FileFlags and Encoding types already provided by the node-fs library. However, we cannot use them directly because they will have the wrong runtime representation. This is where the Contravariant instance for Option comes in; it can be used to transform an option's value to give it a suitable runtime representation based on what the JS API is expecting. For example:

flags :: Option CreateWriteStreamOptions FileFlags
flags = cmap fileFlagsToNode (opt "flags")

Note that fileFlagsToNode takes a FileFlags and returns a String suitable for passing to a Node.js API.


newtype Options :: forall k. k -> Typenewtype Options opt

The Options type represents a set of options. The type argument is a phantom type, which is useful for ensuring that options for one particular API are not accidentally passed to some other API.




options :: forall opt. Options opt -> Foreign

Convert an Options value into a JavaScript object, suitable for passing to JavaScript APIs.


type Option :: forall k. k -> (Type -> Type)type Option opt = Op (Options opt)

An Option represents an opportunity to configure a specific attribute of a call to some API. This normally corresponds to one specific property of an "options" object in JavaScript APIs, but can in general correspond to zero or more actual properties.


assoc :: forall opt value. Option opt value -> value -> Options opt

Associates a value with a specific option.


Operator alias for Data.Options.assoc (right-associative / precedence 6)

An infix version of assoc.


optional :: forall opt value. Option opt value -> Option opt (Maybe value)

A version of assoc which takes possibly absent values. Nothing values are ignored; passing Nothing for the second argument will result in an empty Options.


opt :: forall opt value. String -> Option opt value

The default way of creating Option values. Constructs an Option with the given key, which passes the given value through unchanged.


tag :: forall opt value. Option opt value -> value -> Option opt Unit

Create a tag, by fixing an Option to a single value.


defaultToOptions :: forall opt value. String -> value -> Options opt

The default method for turning a string property key into an Option. This function simply calls unsafeToForeign on the value. If you need some other behaviour, you can write your own function to replace this one, and construct an Option yourself.
