


type CurrencySymbol = ScriptHash

Deprecated, use Cardano.Types.ScriptHash


type TokenName = AssetName

Deprecated, use Cardano.Types.AssetName

Re-exports from Cardano.Types.AssetName

Re-exports from Cardano.Types.Coin

Re-exports from Cardano.Types.ScriptHash

Re-exports from Cardano.Types.Value


data Value

In Plutus, Ada is is stored inside the map (with currency symbol and token name being empty bytestrings). cardano-serialization-lib makes semantic distinction between native tokens and Ada, and we follow this convention.




valueToCoin :: Value -> Coin

Get the Coin in the given Value.




unionWith :: (BigNum -> BigNum -> Maybe BigNum) -> Value -> Value -> Maybe Value

Combines Value with a binary function on BigInts.






lt :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Check whether one Value is strictly less than another. See Value for an explanation of how operations on Values work.


lovelaceValueOf :: BigNum -> Value

Convert a BigInt to Ada-only Value


leq :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Check whether one Value is less than or equal to another. See Value for an explanation of how operations on Values work.


isZero :: Value -> Boolean

Check whether a Value is zero.


isPositive :: Value -> Boolean

Checks if every asset has positive quantity


gt :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Check whether one Value is strictly greater than another. See Value for an explanation of how operations on Values work.





geq :: Value -> Value -> Boolean

Check whether one Value is greater than or equal to another. See Value for an explanation of how operations on Values work.




coinToValue :: Coin -> Value

Create a Value containing only the given Coin.




