



bip32ToPrivateKey :: Bip32PrivateKey -> PrivateKey

Convert a BIP32 private key to a raw private key


bip32PrivateKeyFromMnemonic :: String -> Either String Bip32PrivateKey

Derive a BIP32 private key given a mnemonic phrase


cip1852AccountFromBip32PrivateKey :: UInt -> Bip32PrivateKey -> Cip1852Account

Derive a CIP1852 account from a BIP32 private key given an account index


cip1852AccountFromMnemonic :: String -> UInt -> Either String Cip1852Account

Derive a CIP1852 account given a mnemonic phrase and account index


derivePaymentKey :: Cip1852Account -> UInt -> Bip32PrivateKey

Derive a payment key for the given account


deriveChangeKey :: Cip1852Account -> UInt -> Bip32PrivateKey

Derive a change key for the given account


deriveStakeKey :: Cip1852Account -> Bip32PrivateKey

Derive the stake key for the given account
