

Helper functions for working with mutable objects using the ST effect.

This module can be used when performance is important and mutation is a local effect.


data STObject :: Region -> Type -> Typedata STObject t0 t1

A reference to a mutable object

The first type parameter represents the memory region which the map belongs to. The second type parameter defines the type of elements of the mutable object.

The runtime representation of a value of type STObject r a is the same as that of Object a, except that mutation is allowed.


new :: forall a r. ST r (STObject r a)

Create a new, empty mutable object


peek :: forall a r. String -> STObject r a -> ST r (Maybe a)

Get the value for a key in a mutable object


poke :: forall a r. String -> a -> STObject r a -> ST r (STObject r a)

Update the value for a key in a mutable object


delete :: forall a r. String -> STObject r a -> ST r (STObject r a)

Remove a key and the corresponding value from a mutable object
