


fromNumber :: Number -> Maybe Int

Creates an Int from a Number value. The number must already be an integer and fall within the valid range of values for the Int type otherwise Nothing is returned.


ceil :: Number -> Int

Convert a Number to an Int, by taking the closest integer equal to or greater than the argument. Values outside the Int range are clamped, NaN and Infinity values return 0.


floor :: Number -> Int

Convert a Number to an Int, by taking the closest integer equal to or less than the argument. Values outside the Int range are clamped, NaN and Infinity values return 0.


trunc :: Number -> Int

Convert a Number to an Int, by dropping the decimal. Values outside the Int range are clamped, NaN and Infinity values return 0.


round :: Number -> Int

Convert a Number to an Int, by taking the nearest integer to the argument. Values outside the Int range are clamped, NaN and Infinity values return 0.


toNumber :: Int -> Number

Converts an Int value back into a Number. Any Int is a valid Number so there is no loss of precision with this function.


fromString :: String -> Maybe Int

Reads an Int from a String value. The number must parse as an integer and fall within the valid range of values for the Int type, otherwise Nothing is returned.


newtype Radix

The number of unique digits (including zero) used to represent integers in a specific base.


radix :: Int -> Maybe Radix

Create a Radix from a number between 2 and 36.


binary :: Radix

The base-2 system.


octal :: Radix

The base-8 system.


decimal :: Radix

The base-10 system.


hexadecimal :: Radix

The base-16 system.


base36 :: Radix

The base-36 system.


fromStringAs :: Radix -> String -> Maybe Int

Like fromString, but the integer can be specified in a different base.


fromStringAs binary      "100" == Just 4
fromStringAs hexadecimal "ff"  == Just 255



data Parity

A type for describing whether an integer is even or odd.

The Ord instance considers Even to be less than Odd.

The Semiring instance allows you to ask about the parity of the results of arithmetical operations, given only the parities of the inputs. For example, the sum of an odd number and an even number is odd, so Odd + Even == Odd. This also works for multiplication, eg. the product of two odd numbers is odd, and therefore Odd * Odd == Odd.

More generally, we have that

parity x + parity y == parity (x + y)
parity x * parity y == parity (x * y)

for any integers x, y. (A mathematician would say that parity is a ring homomorphism.)

After defining addition and multiplication on Parity in this way, the Semiring laws now force us to choose zero = Even and one = Odd. This Semiring instance actually turns out to be a Field.




parity :: Int -> Parity

Returns whether an Int is Even or Odd.

parity 0 == Even
parity 1 == Odd


even :: Int -> Boolean

Returns whether an Int is an even number.

even 0 == true
even 1 == false


odd :: Int -> Boolean

The negation of even.

odd 0 == false
odd 1 == true


quot :: Int -> Int -> Int

The quot function provides truncating integer division (see the documentation for the EuclideanRing class). It is identical to div in the EuclideanRing Int instance if the dividend is positive, but will be slightly different if the dividend is negative. For example:

div 2 3 == 0
quot 2 3 == 0

div (-2) 3 == (-1)
quot (-2) 3 == 0

div 2 (-3) == 0
quot 2 (-3) == 0


rem :: Int -> Int -> Int

The rem function provides the remainder after truncating integer division (see the documentation for the EuclideanRing class). It is identical to mod in the EuclideanRing Int instance if the dividend is positive, but will be slightly different if the dividend is negative. For example:

mod 2 3 == 2
rem 2 3 == 2

mod (-2) 3 == 1
rem (-2) 3 == (-2)

mod 2 (-3) == 2
rem 2 (-3) == 2


pow :: Int -> Int -> Int

Raise an Int to the power of another Int.
