


class UtxoDistribution distr wallets | distr -> wallets where

A type class that implements a type-safe interface for specifying UTXO distribution for wallets. Number of wallets in distribution specification matches the number of wallets provided to the user.




transferFundsFromEnterpriseToBase :: PrivatePaymentKey -> Array KeyWallet -> Contract Unit

For each wallet which includes a stake key, transfer the value of the utxos at its enterprise address to its base address. Note that this function clears the usedTxOuts cache, so it should not be used if there could be items in the cache that shouldn't be cleared (this function is intended to be used only on ContractTest startup).



type InitialUTxODistribution = Array InitialUTxOs

A spec for distribution of UTxOs between wallets.


data InitialUTxOsWithStakeKey

A wrapper that allows to specify a stake key to attach to a generated pre-funded Address.




type UtxoAmount = BigNum

UTxO amount in Lovelaces
