


newtype ContractTest

Represents a Contract test suite that depend on some wallet UtxoDistribution.



type ContractTestHandler distr wallets r = UtxoDistribution distr wallets => distr -> (wallets -> Contract Unit) -> r

A runner for a test suite that supports funds distribution.


newtype ContractTestPlan

Represents Contracts in TestPlanM that depend on some wallet UtxoDistribution



type ContractTestPlanHandler distr wallets r = UtxoDistribution distr wallets => distr -> TestPlanM (wallets -> Contract Unit) Unit -> r

Same as ContractTestHandler, but wrapped in a TestPlanM. It is used for the reconstruction of the MoteT value. See the Ctl.Internal.Plutip.execDistribution function for more info.


noWallet :: Contract Unit -> ContractTest

Lift a Contract into ContractTest


sameWallets :: forall (distr :: Type) (wallets :: Type). UtxoDistribution distr wallets => distr -> TestPlanM (wallets -> Contract Unit) Unit -> ContractTestPlan

Store a wallet UtxoDistribution and a TestPlanM that depend on those wallets


withWallets :: forall (distr :: Type) (wallets :: Type). UtxoDistribution distr wallets => distr -> (wallets -> Contract Unit) -> ContractTest

Store a wallet UtxoDistribution and a Contract that depends on those wallets
