

Interact with the wallet over CIP-30 interface description:

Code works by inspection of window.cardano object which should be injected by the wallet to the window.


type Bytes = String


type Cbor = String


data Api

A datatype representing a CIP-30 connection object.


type DataSignature = { key :: Cbor, signature :: Cbor }


type Extension = { cip :: Int }


type NetworkId = Int


type Paginate = { limit :: Int, page :: Int }



enable :: WalletName -> Array Extension -> Aff Api

Enables wallet and reads Cip30 wallet API if wallet is available


getAvailableWallets :: Effect (Array WalletName)

Reads all wallets that are available in the browser.











isEnabled :: WalletName -> Aff Boolean

Checks weather wallet is enabled.



