

A module for various script types, most of which are newtype wrappers over PlutusScript. Corresponding hashes are also included as newtype wrappers over ScriptHash.


getScriptByHash :: ScriptHash -> Contract (Either ClientError (Maybe ScriptRef))

Retrieve a ScriptRef given the hash


getScriptsByHashes :: Array ScriptHash -> Contract (Map ScriptHash (Either ClientError (Maybe ScriptRef)))

Retrieve ScriptRefs given their hashes


type Validator = PlutusScript

Deprecated. Use Cardano.Types.PlutusScript


type ValidatorHash = ScriptHash

Deprecated. Use Cardano.Types.ScriptHash


validatorHash :: Warn (Text "Deprecated: validatorHash. Use Cardano.Types.PlutusScript.hash") => PlutusScript -> ScriptHash

Re-exports from Cardano.Types

Re-exports from Cardano.Types.NativeScript
