


class Reflectable :: forall k. k -> Type -> Constraintclass Reflectable v t | v -> t where

A type-class for reflectable types.

Instances for the following kinds are solved by the compiler:

  • Boolean
  • Int
  • Ordering
  • Symbol



class Reifiable t 

A type class for reifiable types.

Instances of this type class correspond to the t synthesized by the compiler when solving the Reflectable type class.



reifyType :: forall t r. Reifiable t => t -> (forall v. Reflectable v t => Proxy v -> r) -> r

Reify a value of type t such that it can be consumed by a function constrained by the Reflectable type class. For example:

twiceFromType :: forall v. Reflectable v Int => Proxy v -> Int
twiceFromType = (_ * 2) <<< reflectType

twiceOfTerm :: Int
twiceOfTerm = reifyType 21 twiceFromType
