

This module provides a binding to the Node readline API.


data Interface

A handle to a console interface.

A handle can be created with the createInterface function.


data InterfaceOptions

Options passed to readline's createInterface


type Completer = String -> Effect { completions :: Array String, matched :: String }

A function which performs tab completion.

This function takes the partial command as input, and returns a collection of completions, as well as the matched portion of the input string.


type LineHandler a = String -> Effect a

A function which handles each line of input.


createInterface :: forall r. Readable r -> Options InterfaceOptions -> Effect Interface

Builds an interface with the specified options.


createConsoleInterface :: Completer -> Effect Interface

Create an interface with the specified completion function.



noCompletion :: Completer

A completion function which offers no completions.


prompt :: Interface -> Effect Unit

Prompt the user for input on the specified Interface.


setPrompt :: String -> Interface -> Effect Unit

Set the prompt.


setLineHandler :: forall a. LineHandler a -> Interface -> Effect Unit

Set the current line handler function.


close :: Interface -> Effect Unit

Close the specified Interface.


question :: String -> (String -> Effect Unit) -> Interface -> Effect Unit

Writes a query to the output, waits for user input to be provided on input, then invokes the callback function
