

Node-only module. Allows working with Skeys stored in files.


mkKeyWalletFromFiles :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Aff KeyWallet

Load PrivateKeys from skey files (the files should be in JSON format as accepted by cardano-cli) given a network id. The keys should have PaymentSigningKeyShelley_ed25519 and StakeSigningKeyShelley_ed25519 types, respectively. The stake key is optional.

NodeJS only

Re-exports from Ctl.Internal.Wallet.KeyFile


privateStakeKeyToFile :: FilePath -> PrivateStakeKey -> Aff Unit

Write private stake key to file in cardano-cli envelope format


privatePaymentKeyToFile :: FilePath -> PrivatePaymentKey -> Aff Unit

Write private payment key to file in cardano-cli envelope format
