

Provides types and instances to create Ogmios requests and decode its responses.


newtype ChainOrigin

The origin of the blockchain. It doesn't point to any existing slots, but




type ChainPoint = { id :: OgmiosBlockHeaderHash, slot :: Slot }

A point on the chain, identified by a slot and a block header hash


type ExecutionUnits = { memory :: BigNum, steps :: BigNum }


newtype MempoolSizeAndCapacity

The acquired snapshot’s size (in bytes), number of transactions, and capacity (in bytes).







type OgmiosTxOut = { address :: OgmiosAddress, datum :: Maybe String, datumHash :: Maybe String, script :: Maybe ScriptRef, value :: Value }


type OgmiosTxOutRef = { index :: UInt, txId :: String }


newtype PParamRational

A version of Rational with Aeson instance that decodes from x/y representation, instead of { numerator, denominator }




type PoolParameters = { cost :: BigNum, margin :: UnitInterval, pledge :: BigNum, poolMetadata :: Maybe PoolMetadata, poolOwners :: Array Ed25519KeyHash, relays :: Array Relay, rewardAccount :: RewardAddress, vrfKeyhash :: VRFKeyHash }


type RedeemerPointer = { redeemerIndex :: UInt, redeemerTag :: RedeemerTag }




type OgmiosTxIn = { index :: Int, txId :: OgmiosTxId }



newtype HasTxR






evaluateTxCall :: JsonRpc2Call (CborBytes /\ AdditionalUtxoSet) TxEvaluationR

Evaluates the execution units of scripts present in a given transaction, without actually submitting the transaction.


queryStakePoolsCall :: JsonRpc2Call StakePoolsQueryArgument PoolParametersR

Queries Ogmios for pool parameters of all pools or of the provided pools.


mkOgmiosCallType :: forall (a :: Type) (i :: Type) (o :: Type). EncodeAeson (JsonRpc2Request a) => DecodeOgmios o => { method :: String, params :: i -> a } -> JsonRpc2Call i o



queryChainTipCall :: JsonRpc2Call Unit ChainTipQR

Queries Ogmios for the chain’s current tip.


queryCurrentEpochCall :: JsonRpc2Call Unit CurrentEpoch

Queries Ogmios for the current epoch


queryEraSummariesCall :: JsonRpc2Call Unit OgmiosEraSummaries

Queries Ogmios for an array of era summaries, used for Slot arithmetic.


queryProtocolParametersCall :: JsonRpc2Call Unit OgmiosProtocolParameters

Queries Ogmios for the current protocol parameters


querySystemStartCall :: JsonRpc2Call Unit OgmiosSystemStart

Queries Ogmios for the system start Datetime


submitTxCall :: JsonRpc2Call (TransactionHash /\ CborBytes) SubmitTxR

Sends a serialized signed transaction with its full witness through the Cardano network via Ogmios.


submitSuccessPartialResp :: TransactionHash -> { result :: { transaction :: { id :: TransactionHash } } }




