

CTL query layer monad. This module defines an Aff interface for backend queries.



type QueryEnv = { config :: QueryConfig }

QueryEnv contains everything needed for QueryM to run.



type QueryConfig = { customLogger :: Maybe (LogLevel -> Message -> Aff Unit), kupoConfig :: ServerConfig, logLevel :: LogLevel, ogmiosConfig :: ServerConfig, suppressLogs :: Boolean }

QueryConfig contains a complete specification on how to initialize a QueryM environment. It includes:

  • server parameters for all the services
  • network ID
  • logging level
  • optional custom logger


type ClusterSetup = { keys :: { payment :: PrivatePaymentKey, stake :: Maybe PrivateStakeKey }, kupoConfig :: ServerConfig, ogmiosConfig :: ServerConfig }

Cluster setup contains everything that is needed to run a Contract on a local cluster: paramters to connect to the services and private keys that are pre-funded with Ada on that cluster



handleAffjaxResponse :: forall (result :: Type). DecodeAeson result => Either Error (Response String) -> Either ClientError result
