

This module contains everything needed for Contract testing in Plutip environment.


type PlutipTest = ContractTest

Type synonym for backwards compatibility.



defaultPlutipConfig :: PlutipConfig

A default value for PlutipConfig type.

Re-exports from Contract.Monad


runContractInEnv :: forall (a :: Type). ContractEnv -> Contract a -> Aff a

Runs a contract in existing environment. Does not destroy the environment when contract execution ends.

Re-exports from Contract.Wallet


withKeyWallet :: forall (a :: Type). KeyWallet -> Contract a -> Contract a

Re-exports from Ctl.Internal.Plutip.Server


withPlutipContractEnv :: forall (distr :: Type) (wallets :: Type) (a :: Type). UtxoDistribution distr wallets => PlutipConfig -> distr -> (ContractEnv -> wallets -> Aff a) -> Aff a

Provide a ContractEnv connected to Plutip. can be used to run multiple Contracts using runContractInEnv.


testPlutipContracts :: PlutipConfig -> TestPlanM ContractTest Unit -> TestPlanM (Aff Unit) Unit

Run several Contracts in tests in a (single) Plutip environment (plutip-server and cluster, kupo, etc.). NOTE: This uses MoteTs bracketing, and thus has the same caveats. Namely, brackets are run for each of the top-level groups and tests inside the bracket. If you wish to only set up Plutip once, ensure all tests that are passed to testPlutipContracts are wrapped in a single group.


runPlutipTestPlan :: PlutipConfig -> ContractTestPlan -> TestPlanM (Aff Unit) Unit

Run a ContractTestPlan in a (single) Plutip environment. Supports wallet reuse - see docs on sharing wallet state between wallets in doc/


runPlutipContract :: forall (distr :: Type) (wallets :: Type) (a :: Type). UtxoDistribution distr wallets => PlutipConfig -> distr -> (wallets -> Contract a) -> Aff a

Run a single Contract in Plutip environment.

Re-exports from Ctl.Internal.Plutip.Types


type PlutipConfig = { clusterConfig :: { epochSize :: Maybe UInt, maxTxSize :: Maybe UInt, raiseExUnitsToMax :: Boolean, slotLength :: Seconds }, customLogger :: Maybe (LogLevel -> Message -> Aff Unit), hooks :: Hooks, host :: String, kupoConfig :: ServerConfig, logLevel :: LogLevel, ogmiosConfig :: ServerConfig, port :: UInt, suppressLogs :: Boolean }

A config that is used to run tests on Plutip clusters. Note that the test suite starts the services on the specified ports. It does not expect them to be running.

Re-exports from Ctl.Internal.Test.ContractTest


withWallets :: forall (distr :: Type) (wallets :: Type). UtxoDistribution distr wallets => distr -> (wallets -> Contract Unit) -> ContractTest

Store a wallet UtxoDistribution and a Contract that depends on those wallets


sameWallets :: forall (distr :: Type) (wallets :: Type). UtxoDistribution distr wallets => distr -> TestPlanM (wallets -> Contract Unit) Unit -> ContractTestPlan

Store a wallet UtxoDistribution and a TestPlanM that depend on those wallets


noWallet :: Contract Unit -> ContractTest

Lift a Contract into ContractTest

Re-exports from Ctl.Internal.Test.UtxoDistribution


type UtxoAmount = BigNum

UTxO amount in Lovelaces


data InitialUTxOsWithStakeKey

A wrapper that allows to specify a stake key to attach to a generated pre-funded Address.





type InitialUTxODistribution = Array InitialUTxOs

A spec for distribution of UTxOs between wallets.


class UtxoDistribution distr wallets | distr -> wallets

A type class that implements a type-safe interface for specifying UTXO distribution for wallets. Number of wallets in distribution specification matches the number of wallets provided to the user.

