

This module provides ability to spawn a program using spawn and wait for some specific output that indicates that the program has started successfully or failed, in which case an exception is thrown.


data NewOutputAction

Provides a way to react on update of a program output. Do nothing, indicate startup success, or thrown an exception to the Aff action, killing the spawned program.




data ManagedProcess

Carry along an AVar which resolves when the process closes. Necessary due to child_process having no way to query if a process has closed, so we must listen immediately after spawning.



spawn :: String -> Array String -> SpawnOptions -> Maybe (String -> NewOutputAction) -> Aff ManagedProcess

spawn, but with ability to wait for program startup, using a callback returning a NewOutputAction, or to kill the program depending on its output.


waitForStop :: ManagedProcess -> Aff Unit

Waits until the process has cleanly stopped.

