




assertCorrectDistribution :: Array (KeyWallet /\ InitialUTxOs) -> Contract Unit

For each wallet, assert that there is a one-to-one correspondance between its utxo set and its expected utxo amounts.




assertUtxosAtPlutipWalletAddress :: KeyWallet -> Contract Unit

For a plutip test wallet, assert that any utxos held by the wallet are at the expected address. If the wallet has a stake key, this function assumes the expected address is the base address, otherwise it assumes the expected address is the enterprise address.


checkUtxoDistribution :: forall (distr :: Type) (wallet :: Type). UtxoDistribution distr wallet => distr -> wallet -> Contract Unit



withArbUtxoDistr :: forall a. ArbitraryUtxoDistr -> (forall distr wallet. UtxoDistribution distr wallet => distr -> a) -> a
